Day 6 in the Big Brother House and the Housemates Have Built A Fort at the Sofas

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Once again the alarm bought Louis to life with a horrible jolt that he felt right through to his core. It definitely sounded louder than yesterday and he grabbed his pillow from beneath him, rolled onto his front and shoved it over his head. It did little to drown out the noise but he didn't care. His eyes were heavy and he really just wanted a lay in for once.

He could hear people starting to get up and talking together and felt Harry and Niall stir and start to get up beside him. He was just contemplating staying in bed all day and wondering if he'd eventually tone out the noise of the alarm when his whole body was being lifted from the bed.

He dropped the pillow from his face as his back hit a chest and as he sleepily looked behind him to see who was walking him off the bed, his eyes found Harrys and he dropped his head onto Harrys shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Bad Harold." He muttered into the room. Harry simply chuckled into his ear and put Louis' feet down gently on the floor. "You're not going to throw me in the pool are you?"

"I was thinking about it, " Harry said, "but I prefer to have you as my partner in crime instead of a rival, so" He shrugged with a smile before he moved to step back but Louis leant his weight on him instead, he actually didn't think he had the energy to keep himself up anyway. Harry didn't seem to protest and wrapped his arms around Louis' middle tighter and walked them both into the living room.

"I'm making pancakes," Harry said to the room and he got a few cheers from the people who had heard. As he moved into the kitchen, He lifted Louis onto the counter and sat him down and continued to put his hair up, wash his hands and get things he needed out to make the pancakes.

Louis watched on in amazement as he measured the ingredients like a pro and fished out the sieve.

"Wanna whisk it as I heat up the pan?" He said handing Louis the bowl.

"How do you whisk?" Louis asked, He looked at the bowl and back to Harry to gauge his reaction and saw him giving Louis an unreadable expression.

"Uh," Harry said as if not sure Louis was being serious, Louis continued to look at him with a straight face and Harry raised an eyebrow, "just mix them together in the bowl?"

"Okay," Louis said and grinned as he began to stir the things together trying not to slop it about.

"Did you cook much growing up?" Harry asked getting out the battered frying pan.

"My mum thought the further I was away from the kitchen the better." Louis said sticking out his tongue as he whisked it up, his arm aching slightly as he did. "I tended to touch things that had just come out of the oven or make too much mess. Then moving out, I found it easier to have pot noodles or simple pasta dishes."

"I can imagine that actually," Harry laughed and started to heat up butter in the pan on the oven. "Hows it going?" he moved to look in the bowl, his forehead touching Louis' as he did and Louis tried to ignore the heat rising up his neck.

"It's all bubbly," Louis said instead and scrunched up his nose. "Did I whisk wrong?"

"No, it's supposed to have some bubbles, it makes it spongier and better." Harry said taking the bowl from Louis and stepping away to go over to the pan. Louis leant back against the wall on the counter and watched Harry ladle some batter into the pan, forming three circles. They seemed to cook quite quickly and he turned them over. once they were done he put them onto a plate and started on the next batch.

Louis was enthrawled by it and watched as Harry made them all, teasing Harry when they weren't all complete circles. As Harry made the last batch he turned to Louis who was giggling at the shape of the last one and smeered batter along Louis' cheek.

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