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So to introduce myself I'm a young Hispanic/Caucasian Male living in the Texas tri-state area in the  El Paso/Las Cruces/Juárez Metroplex.
Politically I don't identify with any major political party although I am sympathetic to SPUSA, CPUSA, the SLP, and WSP.
My personal Ideology is closest to Communalism which falls under Socialism and Anarchism, both of which I'll explain later.
Although extremely left leaning I also sympathize with many conservatives over issues although I disagree with their beliefs, I can see why they have them though, same with many liberals. Most people have more in common than they'd like to admit although they are usually in my experience either uninterested or uneducated about politics or only looking at what is presented to them.
That's all for now, next up will be an outline of several Ideologies.

Society and PoliticsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora