"It's Phil!"



I take a sharp turn into and unknown building. Then I realize I walked into a mall. This is perfect. I start to speed walk into a random store. Its a Victoria's Secret store! As soon as I realize where I am, I turn around and run back out. My face burn bright red from all the women that gave me shocked stares. Now that I think about it, I look pretty sketchy, with my hood up and glasses on.

I run into the next store. Thankfully, there is no underware in this one. Its a Hot Topic. I run to the back of the store and hide behind some racks of t-shirts. I gasp for air. I put the bags on the floor and rest my hands on my knees as I try to breathe.

"Hello, welcome to Hot Topic. Do you need help find--hey I know you! You're amazingphil! Are you alright?" the person asks.

I look up to see a guy with bright red hair, probably around nineteen or twenty. His nametag says 'Kevin'. He gives me a worried look.

"Please, can...I hide...here?" I ask through deep breaths.

"I guess?" Kevin says it like a question. "Is something wrong?"

"There's a mob of girls who are chasing me," I say. I peek above the rack and see a few girls walk past the store.

Kevin rolls his eyes. "Fan girls," he shakes his head. "My little sister is just like them. She's obsessed with you."

They're everywhere...

"She's going to freak when I tell her who I met today. I have an idea," he says as he walks away. "You stay there."

I crouch further down. As I look around, I realize I am hiding behind a rack that holds my merch. I didn't even knew they sell that here!

"Hey! I know where amazingphil is!" Kevin shouts. My face goes pale.

He's going to tell them where I am. Oh god, no.

"Where?!" shrieks a girl.

"I saw him go up the escalators."

"Oh my gosh, he's on the second story!" she yells. I can hear a whole bunch of other shouting.

As I peek, I see all of them run up the escalators, pushing and shoving. Some of them even run up the escalators that go down!

Kevin comes back a few seconds later, a smile on his face. "The coast is clear," he says.

I finally sigh in relief. "Oh, thank you so much! Is there anything I can do to pay you back?" 

"No, no, its fine," he says.

An idea pops into my head. I grab one of my merch shirts and sign it.

"What are you doing?" Kevin ask. "You still have to pay for that, you know."

"Here," I hand him the shirt,"this is for your sister." Then I take out my wallet. "And here's the money for the shirt. Keep the change." I hand him a fifty dollar bill. (Idk wtf im doing)

"Holy shit," he whispers. "Thank you!"

"No, thank you. You practicality saved my life," I say. I grab my bags and start to head out. "Bye!"
"Be careful!" he says with a laugh.

As soon as I am out of the door, I become tense once again. I constantly look around to make sure no one is following me. Then, I run the whole way back to my car.

I need to get out of here!

My hands shake as I try to quickly start the car. Once I do, I practicly speed out of the parking lot and race back home. The whole way there, I look out of the windows and through the mirrors to make sure no one is following me. I would have expected my breathing and heart rate to go back to normal, but it doesn't. My hands still haven't stopped shaking either. If anything, they start to go quicker.

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