10 Things You Didn't Know About ERHIT

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1) Victoria Light is one of my cousin's names and I didn't realize that till midway through the story xD

2) TOP was supposed to be Missy's love interest in BigBang but of course I changed it because Taeyang fit better

3) I brainstormed and outlined this entire story before publishing hence the very thought out storyline and literally wrote and published the first chapter at 3 in the morning

4) After breaking up with Victoria, Jiyong was supposed to briefly date MiKyung (don't lie, I know y'all would've killed me if I had done that xD)

5) Missy was inspired by one of my cousins and one of my mother's old friends

6) Jiyong and Victoria originally did not get back together. The ending was going to be just of when they see each other again in front of the YG building, but I figured I tortured y'all enough (even myself) and decided to go with a happier and more closure of an ending which honestly ended up being better.

7) Kim Sungah was supposed to be in the story more but her and Victoria's friendship wasn't important to the story as Victoria and Missy's friendship was

8) Victoria's hair gets gradually darker as the story goes on (A few ways to interpret that, one way being that it represented her development), starting off as a bright cherry red, ending at a red velvet red. Jiyong's hair is also blonde for most of their relationship until it becomes black, showing the decline of their love

9) I did not expect this to be popular at all nor did I think it was that great until recently

10) I listened to BigBang's If You on loop while writing the love scene in Chapter 12

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