Chapter 11

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(If you guys haven't read Still Into you by LittleLiarcim, I recommend you do. It's one of the best stories I have ever read to be honest.)

Camila's POV

Of course I was the first one awake. I looked over to the clock & seen it's 5am. Still too early to wake up the girls so I got & went into the bathroom. After I finished washing up, I caught myself starring in the mirror with exhausted expressed all over my face. I had little bags hanging underneath my eyes, and my lips were dry & chapped. I needed sleep but one person has continuously been running through my head. Lauren. What am I to her? of course I'm her girlfriend but will our relationship continue through college & marriage? or is this something that's just for fun?
I eventually went back into the bedroom with the other girls sound asleep. I laid back in the bed with Dinah and fell back asleep but not for long. Within a hour I was awake again with Lauren still on my mind. I could care less about our future as long as she wakes up. I don't want a future if Lauren isn't in it. I miss her so much.
"Mila, you up yet?" Ally whispered
"I've been awake"
She grabbed my hand and looked over at me. "She's going to be alright" I just gave a half smile and a hug.
"Let's wake the girls and get dressed" she said while helping me to my feet.
I just nodded and walked over to Dinah and gave her a shook.
Within 30 minutes we all got up & dressed and was driving over to the hospital. We reach the floor Lauren was on & seen her parents in the lobby.
"Girls you really should be at school." her mom told us in all seriousness
"Not without Lauren" I stated.
She gave me a smile and sat back down.
"You go check on her & we'll be out here" said Normani. I gave her a nod & started to make my way to Lauren's room
She was still sound asleep.
"Goodmorning Lolo, I miss you so much" I told her sitting next to her bed grabbing her hand.
"I miss you too" croaked a voice that sounded familiar.
"LAUREN! YOU'RE AWAKE" I yelled crushing her into a hug
She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at my presence.
"I love you Camz" is all that could escape her lips.
"I love you too Lolo" I replied kissing her fore head and holding her hand. I started to get up to tell her family that she's awake but she tighten the grip on my hand
"Stay" she moaned while falling back asleep.
"I'll never leave you" I said laying down next to her, finally falling into a deep sleep for the first time in days.

Ally's POV

it was about lunch time & Mila was still in Lauren's room. I figured she was asleep so I thought I go check on the both of them. I looked into the room window & saw Lauren more awake that ever examining Camila as she was cuddle up next to her. They really were the perfect couple. In all excitement I opened the door and started to scream "LAUR-" but I was cut off my her eyes darting to mine as if I did something wrong. She then pointed to Mila who was sound asleep, Lauren didn't want to wake her up. I nodded and walked over & gave her a light hug. I went back into the waiting room & told everyone she was awake but Camila was asleep and Lauren didn't want to wake her. a smile came across everyone's face and it seems like the whole day got brighter & better within seconds.

Lauren's POV

I not sure what day of the week it is, & I don't really care. I had a exhausted Camila laying with me in this hospital bed & that's all I care about. She looked so peaceful while I watched her chest rise and slowly fall. I never felt so happy in my life to be able to call her mine.
She started to mumble in her sleep, guessing it was from her dream. She started to get louder and started shaking & than I seen tears roll down her face so I started to shake her.
"Camz wake up, it's just a dream!"
"Huh-what?!" she said jumping & now sitting upright
She looked into my eyes & embraced me in a hug. "I thought I lost you"
"I'm not going anywhere" I whispered and kissed the top of her beautiful head.
Dinah soon came into the room holding a teddy bear while Ally & Normani was holding flowers.
"How are you feeling?" asked Normani handing me the flowers.
"Couldn't be better" I said looking at Camila who fell back asleep and was cuddling my side.
"Awhhh Camren" Dinah said hugging me but making sure not to wake Camz.
"So when are you allowed to leave?" asked Ally
"They need to run a few more test but I should be out of here tomorrow afternoon!"
"When can you start playing ball again?" Normani said with all concern
"About two weeks, just to make sure my concussion is gone"
They all smile and we talked for the longest time. Eventually the had to go home but I insisted for Camila to stay with me tonight. She was okay with it, & my parents didn't mind.
"So what have I missed at school?" I asked while she sat in front me with my legs wrapped around her
"I wouldn't know. I haven't been at school since Tuesday"
I was shocked. "but Camz it's friday? you shouldn't be missing that many days!"
"I'd miss a eternity for you Lolo"
I blushed and she pulled me into a passionate kiss, it started to get heated but I pulled away from soreness in my back.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mea-" I cut her off my crashing my lips on hers.
"Don't be sorry. I love you"
"I love you too" she replied and pecked my lips one last time before we cuddle up in the bed & fell into a deep, deep sleep.

Lauren's POV

I slowly began to wake up and saw Camz fast asleep on my chest. I could tell she's missed being in my arms. I wanted to take her out on a date, a real first date, just me & her. I starred at her beauty before I had to wake her up for my blood work.
"Camz, baby. Wake up"
She moaned and rolled over.
"Come on, I gotta get my blood drawn"
She looked at the clock and rolled back over to facing me
"Lolo, it's 8 am"
"I know"
She smiled & threw her arm around my body and pulled me right into her.
"Lauren, we need to get some blood and you should be good to go" the nurse said walking into the room.
I nodded and Camila rolled out of the bed and sat in one of the chairs. The nurse helped me to my feet as walked me into a different room. I hated getting my blood drawn. They sight of blood or just to think about blood made me sick, but I sucked it up to the thought that I'll be with Camz soon on my way home. Seeing her made my day so much brighter.
We walked back into my room and Camz had fallen back asleep in the chair. I said my goodbyes to the nurse and waited for my parents to sign the papers. I walked over to Camila and shook her to wake up.
"We're about to leave"
"5 more minutes" she moaned.
I leaned it and pressed my lips to hers, & I started to work my way down her neck and quickly found her pulse and started to suck on it. She let out a small moaned and I walked away, sitting in the chair across from her.
"Now are you going to wake up?"
"With a morning call like that, sure" he smiled and started to get up. She grabbed my hand, intertwined our finger together & made our way to the hall.
"You ready?" my mom asked us
we both nodded and walked down to the lower deck & got into the car. Me & Camz was alone in the car while my mom ran back up tithe floor cause she forgot her phone.
"Hey Camz?" I asked putting my head on her shoulder.
"Yeah Lolo?"
"I wanna take you out on a date tomorrow. Our first date"
She smile and kissed me on the lips.
"I'd love to. where are we going?"
"It's a surprise" I smirked
Se looked at me sticking her lower lip out in a pout
"Nope, not going to work"
"Fine" she said pecking my lips and resting her head against mine.
My mom soon came back & we drove home. We dropped Camz off at her house and went our seperate ways. I told her to be ready by 3pm and to wear something comfortable. I can't wait to spend my whole day with her tomorrow.


Give me some ideas for the date! something different but cute

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