Chapter 8

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Lauren's POV

About half way through dinner I grabbed Camila's hand, & look over at her indicating it's time.
"Mom, dad, & Taylor, I need to tell you something" I said standing up
"What is it baby?" my mom replied.
"Well, um I'm gay... and me & Camila has been dating for the past week.."
At first they looked confused but Taylor quickly said "Laur, that's great! I support you!" I gave her a half smile waiting for my parents opinions.
"Dad!" I said looking at him in all seriousness
"I'm sorry baby. If you're happy, I'm happy" he said giving Chris a high five. Really?
My mom still looked confused, as if to process all this
"W-was it something we did to make you gay?" she finally said with a tear in her eye
"Of course not mom! it's been awhile since I've been gay & Camila just helped me realize it." I looked over at Camz & grabbed her hand. "You are the best parents & siblings I could ask for. I glad you support me through this"
"Well if your happy, I'm happy. I love you baby" my mom said walking over to give me a hug. after I let my mom go, I walked over to Camila & hugged her tightly as if I never wanted her to leave my arms.

After that, we finish dinner. My parents seemed to really like Camila!
"Camila, would you like to stay the night?" asked my mom which kind of surprised me
"Make sure you keep it PG up there in Lauren's room" my dad said and winked at both of us
"Dad!" I said looking at him embarrassed
"Haha sure, I'd love too. Thank you for the great meal Mrs. Jauregui" Camila said smiling at the both of them.
I washed the dishes and it was getting late so everyone went up to there rooms & Camz into mine.

Camila's POV

I followed Lauren up into her room and closed the door be hide us. When I turned around I felt a pair of lips on mine, pushing me up against the wall. I felt a pair of hands on my waist sliding down to my butt and giving it a tight squeeze. We pulled away to catch our breathe and saw Lauren looking me in the eyes, with her hands still on my butt.
"Well hello there Lolo"
"Thank you so much for being here" she smiled at me, releasing my butt and giving me a tight hug
"Of course, it was my pleasure"

We let go of each other and I went to take a shower so I wouldn't have to in the morning for school. When I got out, Lauren was already asleep in her bed. She looked so darn cute! I put on some of her sweats & crawled in the bed with her. I pulled her close into my body and wrapping my arms around her waist, and she cuddled her head into my chest.
"Goodnight Camz" she mumbled into my neck
"Goodnight Lolo"

I woke up to the alarm clock and I quickly smacked it with my hand knocking it completely off the night stand. Ugh, I'll get it later. I look over to Lauren who's head is still laying on my chest.
"Wake up Lolo" I said moving the hair from her face
"Camzz" she moaned "change me into my clothes"
"You know once I get your clothes off, I won't be putting any back on right?"
"That's the point" she said with one eye open and smiling
"Nope. Get up, we're going to be late"
Lauren rolled out of bed & took a shower while I grabbed some of her clothes and got ready myself. I laid back on the bed & waited for Lauren to finish getting ready.
She woke me up & got in her car & we made our way to school. When we got there, we seen Dinah arguing with two Freshmam.
"Hey Dinah, what's going on?" Lauren asked her
"These two Freshmam from the varsity baseball team says they could beat us in softball. Yo, I told them that they're wrong but they just won't listen"
Lauren laughed and started to speak. "Ahh you freshman. If you think you're so right about beating us, lets scrimmage tomorrow after school. Boys varsity VS girls varsity in a game of softball."
"What do we get when WE win" one if the snobby boys stated
"Losers has to run naked during lunch on Wednesday. Through the whole cafeteria" Dinah replied with a smirk.
Me & Lauren looked at her in shock but Lauren simply agreed
"The whole team?" one of the boys asked
"Yeah, every single one of you" Lauren replied
"Great, can't wait to see that nice ass of yours" the taller boy said and gave a wink to Lauren while walking away. I felt jealously overcome my body and I clinched my fist but I felt Lauren's hand slip into the hand that was in a fist and she whispered something in my ear. "You're the only one who gets to see this nice ass"
I started to blush and she gave me a smirk. The bell rung so we all decided to go to class before we all were late.

Lauren's POV

The day flew by pretty fast, although all I could think about was the scrimmage. I had to admit, our boys baseball team was pretty good but we were better. What if we lose to them? I don't want the first time Camz to see me naked is running through our schools cafeteria. We had to win this game.
After school ended I told Camz bye and headed to practice. We told coach about the scrimmage and he thought it was a good idea but nobody told him about the bet. Practice was easy and we all headed home after it ended.
When I got home I took a shower & finished my homework and fell into a deep sleep.
Lauren's dream
'I was running around school, completely naked. My left arm covering my breast and my right hand covering my pelvic area. I herd voices laughing at me until I herd a familiar voice scream "EW, I thought you would look better than that!" I turned around to find Camila laughing at me. I ran into the bathroom and started to cry
*end of dream*

I woke up in tears. I wanted Camz in my arms but realize she was asleep at her house. I looked over at the clock & noticed I over slept so I threw on some sweats & drove over to Camila's house all within 10 minutes. My eyes were still puffy and red from crying this morning, and she noticed when she got in the car.
"Lolo you okay?"
"Yeah, just a bad dream"
"What happened?" she said grabbing my hand.
I told her everything that happened in the dream
"Lolo you're so beautiful & I would never say that to you in my life. I'm glad you're in my life. I love you Lauren"
It caught me by surprise but I replied quickly back to her
"I love you too Camila" I pulled her into a passionate kiss and pulled away when I realize we were going to be late to school.

Hope you guys like it! 😘

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