Chapter 1

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Lauren POV

It was bottom of the 7th with a score of 1-2 with my team in the lead. I was playing centerfield as usual, & We had two outs with a runner on third. It was our first game of the season and since I was a senior I wanted to make every game count. Snapping me out if my thought, I saw a ball flying high over my head. I started to run backwards to catch this ball so we still had a chance to win, but this ball was obviously a home run when I ran to the back of the fence. Shit. The game is over & they have won I thought but I quickly realize I could reach the ball if I jumped high enough. It took everything I had in me to jump above the fence to catch the ball. I fell flat on my back, knocking me breathless. I quickly looked into my glove & saw a yellow softball sitting in it. With that I spring up screaming even though I'm pretty sure I rolled my ankle pretty bad when I fell. I look over to my teammates running at me & giving me a hug and jumping on me. Way to start the season with a bang I thought to myself. After we shook hands with the other team, we started to clean up the trash out guest left & cleaned the field. I was the last one to get done, but I didn't mind. On my way out my coach, Jeff, stopped me & said he needed to talk to me
"What is it you wanted to talk about?" I ask while walking with him to my car
"Lauren, you're a great ball player, & as long as you keep doing what you do & keeping your grades up, I can get u a scholarship to the college of your choice."
"REALLY?!" I scream attacking him with a hug
"Of course! You're great & once you scout out the school you would like, give me a call & I'll see if I can get them down here to watch you play"
"OH MY GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH" I said squeezing him harder into my hug

After that we said our goodbyes & I went home & took a shower & went straight to sleep. I was knocked out cold.

I woke up with awful bed head. My long dark hair was in numerous knots that seems impossible to take out so I decided it was a good day to wear sweats & a bun to school. It was only Wednesday, ugh kill me now. I then realized I was running late so I grabbed my keys, some pop tarts & kissed my family bye & drove to school. I finally arrived right as the bell rang so I sprinted to my locker to grab my stuff. As I was running I looked down for a second and bumped into a girl knocking us both on the ground. I seem to knocked all of her books out of her hands.
"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean.." I stopped in the middle of my sentence to be starring at a drop dead gorgeous girl. I'm pretty sure my mouth was hanging wide open.
"Um, what are you starring at? I don't have anything on my face do it?!" The adorable girl says while wiping her nose with her long sleeve.
"No of course not! Um anyways.. Sorry I didn't mean to knock you down. I was running late. I'm Lauren! I haven't seen you around school, are you new?" I say still starring into her chocolate brown eyes
"I'm Camila, & yeah I'm new here. I just started today" she says with a smile that could light up everyone's day
STOP IT LAUREN. she's obviously straight & no body can know your gay! I've been gay for about 3 years but no one knows cause I would get made fun of a lot, & I'm so popular in school and can't risk my reputation.
"Can I see your classes?" I ask handing her a book that I knocked out of her hands earlier.
She gladly handed me the paper, "sweet, we have all of our classes together! Come with me by my locker so I can get my stuff & I'll take you to your class cutie"
She gave me a confused look and then I realized I just called her cutie. Good job, way to keep it on the down low. With that I quickly ran to my lock with Camila following me.

I took her to her classes, she's really smart & sweet! I found out a lot of stuff about her. She's from Cuba, loves one direction & LOVES pizza. I'm glad I have my classes with her, maybe I'll actually have a chance on day...
I nearly jumped out of my seat with the bell went off, interrupting my thoughts. Ahh lunch, thank god cause I'm starving! Me & Camz grabbed our food & went to sit with my friends from my softball team. & yes I did just call her Camz, I think it fits her.
"Yo what up dawg" Dinah said while giving us the peace sign. Dinah is our short stop since she's strong & has fast reflexes.
"Hey guys, this is Camila, she's new so don't be too hard on her now" I tell them while giving Camz a wink. She blushed and looked down at the pizza on her plate. Was this really happening?
"Hey I'm Normani!" She's our first basemen cause so tall and has fast reflexes too
"I'm Ally" she's our third basemen cause she so little but can throw the ball hard.
They were mainly the people I hung out with at school. We sat down & the girls seems to really like Camila, I like her too... But something more...

The day went by pretty fast after that. I saw Camz walking from school & since I didn't have practice today I thought I'd take her home.
"HEY CAMZ WAIT UP!" I screamed while running behide her
"Did you just call me Camz?"
"Um.. Yeah.. It suits you I think!"
"Well I like it" she said while she blushed and looked down at her shoes
"Oh is that a blush I see?" I said with a smirk
"NO.. What are... No"
"It's okay Camz, it's cute!" After I said that it made her blush even more, but she looked so cute so I just stared at her for a bit
"So what did you need Lauren?" She asked while breaking me from my thoughts
"Oh yeah, um do you need a ride home?"
"Sure, I'd love a ride home"
"THEN LETS GO!" I grabbed her hand & practically dragged her to my car
"LAUREN! SLOW DOWN! I'm wearing heels!"
"Oh right, my bad"
I open the car door for her and watched her get in. Then I walked around to the other side of the car and started it.
I asked her for her address & once she told me I realized she only loved 5 minutes away from my house! When we got to her house, I asked her phone her number. She gladly put it in my phone & got out & walked into her house. I must say, she had a nice ass. It hard not to stare at it! Calm down Lauren, she's doesn't even see you that way.
I drove back to my house & crashed in my room. When I woke up from my nap and it was only 5 so I decide to text Camz

'Hey cutie it's Lauren, what are you doing?"

'Hey! Just finished my homework. Why?'

'Can I come over, I'm soooo bored:p'

'Haha, sure thing'

*end of convo*

I quickly changed clothes & drove my car over to Camila's house.

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