Chapter 3:The Feather's Sign

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"Lori, Lori, wake up!" Lori could hear someone yelling at her, but she couldn't open her eyes just yet. When she did, she noticed that she was in the hospital, an IV in her arm. All of the ninjas were there, along with all of her friends, Wu, Misako, and Pixel.
"She'll be fine, just shock, that's all." A nurse said confidently, "She will be free to leave in 30 minutes or so." The nurse walked out, and everyone bombarded her with questions.
"Why did you faint!" Kia shouted.
"What did you see?" Cole asked.
"What did you read?" Kory screamed.
"Enough!" Wu yelled. "Can't you see she's traumatized enough without you yelling questions at her.
"Sorry sensei." The ninja said, bowing toward him.
"Lori, tell us what you saw!" Maria asked notepad and recorder in hand.
"Well, it started when I was cleaning out Lloyd's closet. He had a bunch of his father's robes in there, so I took them all to his dad's room. When I looked in the closet to make sure that I got all of the robes, I saw a gray feather." She stopped to breathe. "I think that Garmadon might be trying to send Lloyd a message."
"Send me a message, what message?" Lloyd asked.
"A message saying he's alright. You seem to have been worrying about him a lot lately. Maybe he was trying to tell you that it wasn't your fault he was killed. maybe he was trying to assure you that he had fulfilled his destiny, and so had you." Lori scooted up in her bed.
"But it is my fault that he died, I was the one who destroyed the Preeminent. I was the one who killed my father!" He screamed. He ran out of the room.
"He did not take that well," Misako said with a sigh.
"Sensei," Asked Alex. "You need to tell Lori what powers she has!"
"Right. Lori, you are surprisingly diverse. You have all of the powers. Including ones, I've never seen before."
"Wow, cool." Said Lori. The nurse returned.
"You can go now Lori, but try to stay away from the suspenseful stuff for the rest of the day." The nurse unattached the IV from her arm. She took off the hospital gown, then walked out with Maria, CC, and Misako.

At the monastery, Zane and Pixel had warmed up dinner. They were dishing it up as all of the Ninja, Lori, and her friends came in.
"So, what happened when I was out?" She asked.
"Well, Lloyd carried you out here and tried to revive you. But after you wouldn't revive, I had Zane call Sensei and the others, and we rushed you to the hospital." Misako told her, handing her a plate of the beef broccoli and rice. Jacob, Carter, and Carson had set up some of the Ninjago: Rebooted episodes. Everyone was sitting on the floor, eating, and watching the show. No one had seen Lloyd since the incident at the hospital.
"Where is Lloyd?" Lori asked no one imparticular.
"He grabbed some food a little while ago." Pixel told her.
"That was hilarious!" Jay cried, Cole had just said "Bubble gum and a wish." From episode 8. Everyone was laughing, crying, and having plenty of fun.
It was ten o'clock before they went to bed.
"Here you go Lori, this is your Ninja uniform." Said Sensei, as he handed Lori a gray ninja uniform. She took it from Sensei, then went to her room.
After getting into some pajama's that Misako had found, she crawled under the silky covers and turned off the light. As she tried to fall asleep, she heard Lloyd crying. She looked at the bathroom door. She and Lloyd had a connected bathroom, although they had their own bathrooms, they were connected. She walked through her bathroom and opened the door to Lloyds. There he was.
He was crying, hanging his head over the toilet.
"Lloyd, what is wrong?" She asked. She noticed that there was blood on the floor. He had thrown up recently too, she could smell it. "Lloyd, did you hurt yourself?" She screamed. His sleeves of his uniform had long blood stains on them.
Lori grabbed a roll of bandages, tore off the sleeves, and put on the bandages.
"Lloyd, why did you do that?!" She asked.
"That feather, was it really my dad?" He asked. Lori got a good look at his face. His eyes were really puffy, and he had a bruise on his face.
"I'm not sure. I wish that I could tell you for sure. But, the Bible says "On the third day, the Son of Man shall rise, and death shall have lost its grip on us." She cut the bandages.
"It means that God opened the gates of Heaven, so when we die, if we were good, we could go to Heaven, and live happily for eternity."
Lloyd got up. "Thanks, Lori." He said. She gave him a hug. He hugged back.
"Just remember Lloyd, just because you can be happy, doesn't mean you should kill yourself to get there. People have done it before. You need to fulfill your destiny." She looked at him waved, then went to her room, and went to sleep.

Lloyd couldn't sleep. He had a dream, his father was waiting for him, in the place Lori had told him about. He sat up.
If that's where my dad is, he thought, then that's where I'll go, no matter what it takes.

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