Start from the beginning

          "And if he's not?" Carson asked. "What were you going to do, then? Lie?"

          "I think lying about my eyes turning red would be a little hard to do, Car," Scott muttered, rolling his eyes as a ghost of a smile traced across his lips.

          "That's a fair point," the girl mused. "But still, at least this gives us more of a motive behind what Deucalion wants. He wants you, as creepy as that sounds. And, it might not be a lot to go on, but . . . but maybe there's some sort of advantage we can draw out of that information."

          "At this point, I'd kill for any sort of advantage," Scott groaned, leaning his head more forward as to rest his forehead on his forearms.

          "Yeah, but if you kill, you won't get to be a true alpha anymore. You'd just be a blue eyed little bitch, like Peter," Carson joked, cringing as she did so. A small peal of giggles escaped her mouth, the sixteen year old amused by her own jokes.

          Scott, as per usual, groaned at the sound of Carson trying (and failing miserably) to lighten the mood. "True alpha or not, you heard Morrell — we're playing a losing game."

          "Okay, let me get serious here for a moment," Carson mumbled to her best friend, moving one arm to force his head up so he'd be looking in her direction. Her thumb brushed gently over the tanned skin of his jaw before she began speaking. "Your lack of faith is just despicable, McCall. It's not over until it's over, all we have to do is buy ourselves some time before the finish line even starts to come over the horizon to peek at us."

          Scott reached up with one of his hands, closing his fingers around Carson's. He pulled them away from his face, but the two continued to link fingers together. "You're talking about me having a lack of faith? I'm starting to think you have too much faith."

          "No such thing as too much faith. It's like what Allison said that night at the motel. There's always hope, Scotty, always. We helped take down an alpha, a kanima, and Gerard's bitch ass — although maybe that doesn't really count considering he's still roaming the fuck around, but that's beside the point," Carson rambled, going off on a slight tangent that made Scott snort. She squeezed their conjoined hands. "The fact of the matter is, is that we've won before. We can win again. Even if it's by way of a fucking miracle, we can win. I promise you, we're gonna make it through this."

          Scott stared at her for the longest time before he sighed. A small smile graced his face and he squeezed their hands back. "You really believe in us that much?"

          "Always have, always will. You might not be an alpha yet, but we're basically our own pack at this point. The dream team. The quality werewolves, plus an odd number of humans, y'know?" she asked, smiling. Scott laughed and gave her a look. She sighed. "Fine, I'll stop cracking lame jokes. But what I'm saying isn't a joke, okay? When it comes down to it, I will always bet on us. I'll always bet on you."

          Scott nodded, and for the first time since they had left Morrell's office, he looked fairly content. Carson could still tell that his fears were plaguing his every thought, swirling around in his head like an ever present hurricane. But there was something in his eyes — and maybe it was just a flicker of the light or a bit of Carson's imagination running wild, but she swore that there was something in those eyes that said that he believed her. That he believed that they could have a chance. And right now? Him holding onto hope was enough.

          The two returned to their previous positions of leaning up against the railing, let their joined hands separate. They took another look out onto the expanse of the high school's front side, sighing together. Honestly, at this rate, Carson was surprised that the school hadn't burned down to the ground or something. It would have been fitting, to say the least considering the fact that the one place that should have been their safe zone was far from it. From alpha attacks with dead janitors, to kanimas who terrorized the pool, to bird invasions in English class, to Deucalion and his sharp ass cane in the hallway, this BHHS had seen pretty much everything.

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