Chapter 4 - Sightings

Start from the beginning

"Lunch is almost ready, so wash your hands when you're done and be careful." That said, the girl finished the job, with one leg and one arm sore.

Jason kept waiting for her to come out. He wasn't intending to kill her at the moment, as she hadn't done anything wrong yet.  But this...her behaviour, reminded him of an episode from a long time ago; when he had found a sleeping girl in the woods, under a tree. It had just finished raining and he had slowly began to approach her, but she had woken up. She had immediately started to scream, to cry and to insult him. He had taken her - not to kill - but to take her away. Even though he had a knife in his hand, he didn't mean her any harm. She wasn't doing anything wrong, but she didn't have to be there. Since she was acting a little a crazy, he saw no other option than to drag her through the woods. Despite the screaming, nobody would have come to save her from the big, bad monster. When she fainted, relief washed through his ears; he put her on his shoulder and brought her back to her house. Her parents found her in front of the door and put her to bed. She had insulted him, she had called him a monster, and had also hit him several times. However he had spared her. His mother had been very proud of him. He had been good to her even though that girl had definetly not deserved it. But, sometime later, she returned to Crystal Lake, along with a group of friends. She left him no choice but to eliminate them all. She had managed to escape, however, after attempting to hang him and after hitting his head with an axe, cracking his mask.

Oh yeah, that was also the day when he found his mask. He knew that the mask, along with the machete, had become a symbol. His symbol. He knew that somebody had made movies and objects about him. The city was full of shops with this junk, he had seen it. Many of the people who disturbed him knew about him precisely because of these movies. By now he had virtually given up on peace. They said they knew all about him, that they wanted to see if he really existed, or if he was still alive. But when they found him, their reaction - and their demise - were the same as the ones who had no idea who he was.

Jason wondered if that girl, that Jasmine, was like everyone else. If she was, she was taking longer than expected to show it.

The young girl went to the bathroom to wash her hands and reflect for a moment about what had happened, needing to stay alone for a few minutes. She had seen Jason, she was sure, even if only for a moment. She must have seemed ridiculous to him. But if Jason knew about them, and he was even so close, why he had not done anything? They had done nothing to annoy him, so maybe her theories were grounded. Maybe he just passed by to check that no one was causing problems. Thinking that perhaps Jason was not willing to hurt her family reassured her. She decided that she would bring Finn back to the lake with her after lunch. She wanted to see if Jason had actually been spying on them the day before. Not the best idea, probably.

After eating and cleaning with her mother - as she always did - she went to change, having remained in her pajamas throughout the morning. She put on her jean shorts and the Star Wars T-shirt from the day before, a pair of light-blue converse shoes, and then put the leash on Finn.

They left the house and walked until they reached the lake, ending up in the same place as last time. She took a moment to look around with prudent behavior, wanting to ensure that no one dangerous was following them. Actually, she did not see anyone, had not heard any strange noises, and Finn had been pretty much quiet for all the time. A sigh left her lips as she thought about it."Don't worry Jas. If he wanted to hurt you, he would've already done it."

She calmed down, pulled her mobile phone out of her pocket and began to take photos of the landscape and her dog. She noticed that there was no signal there for some strange reason. "Typical" She thought.

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