Glowing Eyes.

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It's so strange to think about how much a person has ever grown and matured over the years. Its even stranger when you see that person grow right in front of your eyes.

Morality thinks about that at least once a day. He thinks how much he has helped Thomas grow and mature over the years, and how he still teaches him to use his heart. But it's not always about Thomas.

Dad has seen Princey and Anxiety bicker about everything from what type of toys Thomas should play with to impress a kid on the playground to if Thomas should go outside at all. It seems that they are stranger creatures than when they started out as kids. Culture forbids, sighs Logic as he watches from a far with Morality. All of them were similar when they were young to their grown up selves. Logic at the young age would wear bigger glasses, and round ones to add, he would always carry a book around no matter where he went, he would also seemed to have a blue pen on him. Strange. Princey was an energetic child and would always come up with stories and make-believe games. Morality also remembers that Roman actually came crying to him when he lost a tooth during one of those games; and Morality can't seemed to remember if it had to do with him, the monkey bars and the Dragon-Witch. Morality himself was a nice and sweet child, even if he was the oldest, and he would always button up his shirt to the top button and would always give out hugs at any chance. Roman losing a tooth during the incident was the first time that Patton was aware of his parental job because the young Princey went to specifically him. Not Logic, who probably knew about that stuff. But Dad himself. And when Anxiety was born, he was really late by the way, the others were basically pre-teens. Well, Roman and Logan were, Patton was basically a teen by a couple of years. Anxiety was a bit younger than the others, by two years or so, and he was surprisingly shy. Nothing like the sassy and sarcastic teenager that he is now, in fact, he was so shy that he would often cling onto either Dad's or Logic's side-- we was way to awkward to cling onto Roman.

Now that they all have grown up (sort of), they all talk about different things. Princey, Anxiety, and Logic now bicker about somethings in Thomas' life that are important. Such as goals, education, dreams, and subjects like that. But there will always one thing that no one wants to bring up in private because they know that they will always end up actually fighting about it: love.

Roman, being Thomas' dramatic and imaginative side, has romantic fantasies about everything in his love life-- even death. He has romantic fantasies about what dying truly is. Obviously having inspiration from William Shakespeare's famous play "Romeo and Juliet". Logan, being logical thinking, he doesn't agree with this, saying that it's both stupid and dangerous to think like that. And Morality has to agree, even if it pains him. Patton is the heart, but is also parental protection, meaning that even if it's something Thomas feels, Dad has to deny it as a way to keep Thomas safe. But then comes Anxiety, he is actually supportive with Roman's ideology. Perhaps the reason behind it is that Anxiety often thinks that way; that everything leads to death anyways. Even love. So denying it goes against everything that Anxiety stands for.

But right now, what is important, is that they want Thomas to get out of bed and go out for brunch with his friends because, with Logan's exact same words, he "fell off the grid". So they had to use the Motor Functions that they haven't used since Thomas was in high school. Dad personally never enjoyed the idea of controlling every step Thomas took, it felt as if he was invading his privacy. But he had to get the job done so he can take a step forward into recovery.

So here's the plan: to have him wake up, make him go take a cold shower (ew, according to Roman while Logic is agreeing, making Dad think that he's actually really excited), get changed, and head to the place that they'll meet up. But there's two issues with this plan, well... two and a half: 1) how is this going to well without making Morality feel like the squip? 2) the control board has changed over the years, so they won't know how to work it like they used to. And .5) Logic didn't make this plan, Dad did. This should be interesting.

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