The Bride of Christ

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She once wore scarlet.
She played the harlot.
But now she wears white,
As she radiates His Light.

When she was falling,
She heard His calling.
It was God's grace
That lifted her face.

He called her from above,
Back to her First Love.
He captivated her heart
As it was at the start.

His love was the cure
For the void inside of her.
The love in His gaze
Set her heart ablaze.

He wanted everything she had,
All the good and all the bad.
He knew what she could be.
He traded her ashes for beauty.

When she heard His voice
She did dance and rejoice.
Her sin had been washed away
By His blood on that glorious day!

Now she is preparing
For her coming Wedding
Her Beloved is eagerly waiting
As time is quickly fading.

Thank you for reading my first poem.
I hope you were blessed by it!

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