Chapter 1: Classifications

Start from the beginning

My gaze dropped onto the little girl, her eyes down just like she had been taught. Failing level one was almost a guarantee that five or more souls possessed that being. Once failing that level, a being was instantly classified a Mutt and was taken to the next series of tests in order to decipher which kind.

Mutts rarely spoke, and when they did it was usually numerous thoughts that poured from their mouths. I placed my hand on her shoulder, leading her quietly to the end of the hall. "You will be out of here soon," I pushed her gently on the back into a large, dark room where more tests awaited her.

I straightened my back, giving a short sigh before I sauntered quickly back to my desk. The tests were less than pleasant, with cruel videos, high pitch sounds, unanswerable questions and a series of body scans that were almost violating.

The memories of my Section Exam barely even existed. Being a sorter was like jumping back into the hell I had been through as a child, except as well being forced to watch as other children's' lives ended and started.

I wiped my sweating palms on my legs, smoothing out the red, leather skirt that covered my thighs and knees. I dug deep into my thoughts, searching for any other sign of a soul. My breath came out hard as I instantly gave up trying. I was not only an Idol, but I was an Idol in District A, holding the all time highest score of any five-year old. I had one soul, and there was no mistaking it.

The door at the end of the hall clicked open and the small, blonde girl stepped back into the corridor. I rose to my feet, pushing the button in the center of my desk to call for an Escort. The girl slowly made her way back to the lobby where I stood, waiting for her return.

I stepped around my desk, my skirt limiting my movement. Stopping in front of her I clasped my hands together, something I had been trained to do as a sign of power. It made me feel arrogant, like I was stomping her further into the ground. My eyes lifted to the camera above me, holding me to the gesture.

"What is your name?" I posed the question slowly, making sure her multiple souls heard me. She hesitated a moment, her eyes squinting and her teeth clenching. "Alaska," she breathed the name hard, like a debate had been going on in her tiny head only moments before.

"Well, Alaska," I bent down slightly, placing my hands on my knees, "I believe your results have been decided. I will organize your departure while an Escort takes you down to the first floor."

"Where am I going?" the voice was almost inaudible, her eyes flickering widely, "Don't take me somewhere bad!" she shrieked, forcing me a few steps back. She pressed her thumbs against her thighs, her gaze remaining on the floor, "I am very sorry, Miss Ireland."

I nodded my head, my eyes glancing back and forth from Alaska to the door. "My mother told me everything would be alright," the girl whispered quietly, "she lives in District C. She said if I was anything like her I would join her soon. She was really upset when I left. I think she cried, I cried, too. Well what do you say? Will I join her, Ireland?"

This time the little girl looked up at me. Her blue eyes wavered just below mine, like each of her souls were begging to search inside me for mine. I hesitantly reached out, my fingers lightly pushing her head back down towards the floor. I opened my mouth to respond to her question, getting cut off by the door swinging open. The Escort stormed in, nodding his head quickly at me before grabbing Alaska by the arm and dragging her from the room.

I closed my eyes, hearing her protests echo through the door. My hand covered my mouth as I slowly made my way back to my desk. Lowering myself into the metal chair I clicked on the little girl's profile. Her test results flashed on my screen, the numbers screaming her position as an Institution Mutt.

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