3 reasons a jinn would enter inside the body - Jinn series.

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-Shouting out loud, wailing, singing or reciting Qur'an in the toilet: This again was experienced by someone. A brother who came to him for ruqya had been speaking to himself in the toilet. Slowly he went into conversation with the Shayateen (devils), saying he was stronger than them, and that they couldn't do anything to him. The Jinn possessed him, and he was to blame, because he was the one who told the jinn to present themselves.

-Throwing stones or objects in the wilderness without saying Bismillah: If a person throws something it can hit and can harm the jinn. The person should always start with Bismillah before doing anything. Reading books on magic and calling upon the jinn to present themselves: This can cause harm also; the person may get attacked and harmed, played with or possessed. This is the result of playing with Shaytaan, which is why it is forbidden for us to read these magic books.

-Harming animals that have jinn in them: Jinn can take the form of animals/Jinn can live in animals, but more particularly in black animals. And so if a person harms an animal, particularly at night, these can be jinn and they can harm you back. Shaykh al-Islam, Ibn Taymiyyah, said: The jinn may appear in human and animal form, so they may appear as snakes and scorpions or in the form of camels, cattle, sheep, horses, mules and donkeys, or in the form of birds, or in the form of humans, as the Shaytaan came to Quraysh in the form of Suraaqah Ibn Malik Ibn Ju'sham when they wanted to set out for Badr. (Majmoo' al-Fataawa, 19/44)

According to the Prophet ﷺ, if a snake enters your home, it may be jinn, and so you must give it the time and option to leave, for 3 days and if it still refuses then kill it as it is Shaytaan. Avoid black cats and dogs. "...There are in Medina jinns who have accepted Islam, so when you see any one of them, pronounce a warning to it for three days, and if they appear before you after that, then kill it for that is a devil." (Sahih Muslim #026, Hadith #5557)

2- The one who turns away from the remembrance of Allah (SWT)

A jinn will oppress a human being who is heedless of the remembrance of Allah (SWT). We have to remember the jinn are intelligent. They will plan and wait until a person or a member of the family is exposed. A person must always be calling upon Allah (SWT) to help and protect him/her, which is why the morning and even remembrance of Allah is so important as this does not render a person exposed to such vigilance on the part of the attacking jinn.

"And whoever is blinded from remembrance of the Most Merciful - We appoint for him a devil, and he is to him a companion." (Surah Az-Zukhruf 43:36)

3- Love/lustful desire

A jinni may actually love you, the lustful love. When you go through your bedroom and basically wearing nothing on and you're walking around like this, you think its normal and stuff. Guess who's watching you? The jinni is watching you... The messenger of Allah (SWT) told us what to do when we take off our clothes. Bismillah, if you say Bismillah, a curtain appears between you and the jinn.

But how many of us once they come out of the bathroom, sat in bed, half naked, practically just having a towel around the body and chatting or watching videos on the phone for minutes or hours?

I stopped doing that personally. After learning this!

So the jinni is looking and he is thinking like "Hmmmm...I am going inside that body"! Why? Because he saw and now he loves you! He loves you and he wants you. And as he wants you, he would like to possess you.

I'm especially addressing to the women, no offense but most of the times, it happens to the women. A lot of women are possessed by jinns because of this reason. The jinni actually likes the woman.

That's why we all should be very careful, men as women.

Also, Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said the possession of man by jinn can be out of sexual desire, evil notions, or even love just as it is with humans which is Fahsha'a, i.e. immorality and bad conduct which is forbidden, that is if the two have agreed on the act. However if only the jinn is doing this out of their will it is oppression.

But can jinn enter the body of the human just like that anytime? The answer is no. We're talking here about the possession!

There are four conditions the jinn would enter inside the body of the human to possess it.

1-      Extreme anger: When you become so angry, Jinn go inside of you at this stage. That's why the prophet Muhammad (SAW) said in a Hadith narrated by Ahmad and Abo Dawood (deemed authentic): "If one of you got angry while standing then sit down, or if sitting down then lay down. If anger does not go away then do Wudu".

Why? Because you want to upset the position of the jinn inside of you, by making him uncomfortable, because as long as you stay in one position while being upset he'd be able to direct the body.

2-      Extreme or excessive fear: When you're so fearful, you're afraid and you get so vulnerable during certain conditions. Jinn can actually go inside you at this stage

3-      Excessive heedlessness: You're not paying attention; you don't say the Adkhar whenever you enter into the bathroom. When you eat, when you enter a house you don't say Bismillah and so forth.

4-      The time when you're so much into your desire: When you're watching pornography and you're focused with it, you're so into that unlawful behaviour; you're so much into the scene that is when Jinn can penetrate your body, because you're vulnerable at this stage. Even when you're married before getting into privacy with your husband/wife you must make a Dua, so Allah (SWT) Will protect you from shaytaan at this stage.

This is the end of the chapter, I hope you guys will pay attention from now on and I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. May Allah (SWT) bless you all and have mercy upon you all.

Thanks for reading.

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