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When Ivy pulled up next to them on the sidewalk, Oswald quickly moved his hand off of Ed's and stood up. He brushed the dust off his prison uniform and then offered Ed help getting up. Edward smiled at him and took his hand, standing up off the pavement and then opening the car door and getting inside. He shuffled over to the other seat so Oswald could just hop in through the same door and then they could be off. Oswald got into the car and put on his seatbelt, and then Ivy rolled down the blackened out window that usually separated the driver from the passengers. Ed's first impression of her was that she really suited her name. She was wearing a long green dress with an emerald necklace, and her hair was a vivid red. Just like ivy; green leaves and red berries. She smiled when she saw Oswald, and it lit up her whole face, reminding Ed of how young she really was. When she turned to Ed, however, her expression darkened and this reminded Ed of how she was getting the nickname, "Poison Ivy".
Ivy turned back to Oswald and said,
"So this is Edward Nygma? The guy who shot you in the stomach and dumped your body in the sea?"
Ed stared hard at the floor, wishing she hadn't brought that up. It surely wouldn't be good to remind Oswald of the reason why they were here. But Oz just smiled and said,
"Yes, but don't worry about it Ivy. We've come to an.... arrangement. Start driving and I'll explain. Take us to the mansion, if you will. And please, Ivy, drive carefully."
Ivy nodded and turned to the wheel, hitting the gas pedal and speeding them off into the night.
Edward held onto the door handle for dear life as she raced around the corners and barely slowed for speed bumps. He glanced over at Oswald who appeared untroubled by her driving, simply grinning at Ed's sickening expression. Ed pursed his lips. She must be doing this on purpose.
While Edward tried to hold down his vomit, Oswald began to explain to Ivy the nature of their truce. He left out a few details of course. Ivy, however, was very perceptive, staring hard at Ed in the rear view mirror every time Oswald paused in his story, waiting for his reaction. She got the gist of what they were electing not to tell her, and it seemed to make her like Ed, as she flashed him a quick smile when Oswald finished talking. Ed smiled back a little awkwardly, not sure why she had warmed up to him, but willing to go along with it. He would do anything for Oswald.

When they finally reached the mansion, Ed's knees were shaking, and the world was slightly spinning. Oswald got out of the car first and then went around to the other side to help Ed out. He opened his door and took Ed's hand firmly, making sure he didn't fall as he stepped onto the driveway.
"You'll get used to Ivy's driving.", Oswald said, trying not to laugh at Ed. Ivy didn't care though, and laughed loudly when she saw Edward's face. Oswald shot her a look and told her to go and check if Freeze or Firefly were inside, and if they were, tell them they had the night off. Ivy then cheerfully explained how she hadn't seen either of them for two days, and it was Edward's turn to try and not laugh. So much for Oswald's army of mutants.

The trio went inside, Ivy babbling on about some new plant she had managed to grow and Oswald occasionally nodding and smiling. She lead the pair up the huge mansion staircase and to their old rooms. Ed had almost forgot that they were right next to each other. Oswald told Ivy to wait for them in the dining room, and after giving Ed a warning glance, she skipped off downstairs.
Oswald turned to Ed and gave him a weary smile.
"Go change. We'll have something to eat and then we'll get on with the... testing."
He then patted Ed on the shoulder and went into his room, closing the door behind him. Ed took a deep breath and entered his room. He hadn't slept here since shooting Oswald. He really hoped that Oz wouldn't notice that he slept in his room instead.
Ed shut his door and went to the closet, sorting through suits of all fabrics and colours, until he came to the one Oswald gave him. It was a dark green, understated yet noticeable, and it fitted him perfectly. Without thinking, he pulled out the suit and matching shoes and put them on. He went over to the mirror, fixed his hair, and cleaned his glasses. He was surprised at how much he looked like "Edward Nygma, Mayoral Chief of Staff", again. He took once last quick glance at himself in the mirror before leaving his room, and closing the door with a touch of formality. If Oswald didn't like what he heard tonight, that would be the last time he went into that room. Oswald needed to like him again. Ed needed to be kind, and meek, and more like.. the old Edward Nygma. The nerd from the GCPD who liked riddles. Would Oswald trust him more if he was still like that... He shook these thoughts out of his head and went over to Oswald's door. He hesitated and then knocked twice, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet in nervousness. A few moments later, Os opened the door.

He looked incredible. He was wearing his signature black pinstripe suit, with shining polished shoes, and the purple tie that Ed had said was his favourite. Ed didn't know if Oswald had even realised the significance of the tie he had picked out, but he appreciated it anyway. Ed then realised that he was staring at Oswald with his mouth open, and hadn't said anything. He quickly pulled his face into more somber lines and said,
"You look great, Oz."
Oswald smiled, and fixed his tie, apparently proud of himself.
"So do you, Ed. Love the suit."
Before Ed had a chance to respond, Oswald walked down the corridor in the direction of the stairs and Ed hurried after him, biting back a grin. He knew that the tie was intentional.

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