I reach out with my hands over the table, taking hold of Kellin's with them and holding his hands gently making him look up at me with his big eyes that I adore.

"I'm so sorry about how this ended up darling, we don't need to stay if you don't want to. If you want we can skip eating here and go somewhere else, that would be fine by me", I tell him quietly while stroking his hand with my thumb in a comforting manner.

"No Vic, you don't need to that, it's not necessary. So what, it's a bit awkward but you and I have dealt with awkward before. You payed good money for the reservation and I love the food here. So I want to enjoy the food with my current boyfriend, without being bothered about my exes" Kellin reassures me with a smile.

"Okay darling" I mumble, bringing one of his hands up to place a gentle kiss on it.

"Now please don't hate me, but I have to excuse myself to the bathroom", I add.

Kellin rolls his eyes at me but giggles a bit and nods his head as a way to tell me I can go. Before I leave I walk over to Kellin's side of the table, planting my lips firmly against his and giving him a deep kiss when I know both Matty and Justin are looking.

Leaving a blushing Kellin behind I make my way to the men's bathroom where I immediately pull the phone out of my pocket and look through my contacts until finding the one person I can rely on in a messy situation like this.

I hit the call button and after a couple of signals my brother finally picks up.

"Mike, I need to ask you for a favor" I speak as soon as he has picked up, not even giving Mike a chance to say hello.

"Bro, you're not really calling at the best time, I'm kind of busy here", he groans, his voice sounding strained as if he's been running, or something else... Easily I can put the pieces together and let out a groan in disgust.

"Ew, didn't need to know that. But please, it's important. Can you please just help me with this and then you and Tony can have all the fun you want" I rush out.

"Ugh fine, but this better be fucking important Vic, what is it?" Mike groans in annoyance and I can hear him shuffling around with something in the background, probably putting on clothes.

"It is, I'm gonna propose to Kellin tonight" I inform him which is followed by a thud in the background, did he faint or something?

"You're proposing, holy shit!"

"He's proposing? Oh my god this is great can I be Kellin's best man?" I hear Tony asking in the background and I roll my eyes with a chuckle.

"Yes I'm proposing but I have a problem. I was gonna do it at our favorite restaurant but Justin and Matty showed up, Kellin's exes and they're dating now. I need you to go to our place and set up a romantic scene in the bedroom. Candles and such, you know the drill. I'll pay you for whatever you need to buy just please have it done by an hour and a half"

"Got it, we'll fix it" Mike agrees.

"Seriously Vic, can I be the best man?" I hear Tony ask once again.

I decide to ignore him and end the call before Kellin starts to wonder why I'm gone for so long. I check myself in the mirror, taking a deep breath to calm down before I leave the bathroom and join Kellin at the table again.

As I come back he doesn't give me any odd looks or something like that so hopefully he's completely clueless to what I'm planning and isn't suspecting a single thing.

The dinner ends up much better than I had dared to believe it would with two of Kellin's exes sitting right next to us. Of course it was a bit awkward whenever we would accidentally make eye contact with them but I'm pretty sure most of the awkwardness was between Matty and Justin as they found out they had been dating the same person.

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