Chapter 13

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Marissa's POV

“What do you think Charlotte wanted?” I question nervously, fiddling with the hem of my shirt. The two of them have been in there for a while now. Lily eyes my nervous fiddling with a smirk.

“She probably wanted to get her alone to stab her in the face and sell her body to drug lords,” she replies in a reasoning voice.

“Wh...what?!” I splutter. I still haven't quite gotten used to Lily's sense of humor. She grins widely and continues eating her sandwich without a word of explanation. I shake my head with a sigh, turning my gaze back to the building Arabelle and Charlotte disappeared into.

The door are suddenly flung open and Arabelle strides through them, looking peeved. I stand up and walk to meet her halfway, concerned about what was bothering her. I swear, if Charlotte hurt her in any way, I'm going to have some angry words for her when I go home.

“Arabelle, what happ-” I'm interrupted as she unexpectedly places her hands on my waist and brings her lips to mine, and I freeze as I realize that she's kissing me in the middle of our high school's front lawn. I can practically feel everyone's surprised eyes on the two of us. Right... no one knows about me and Arabelle. Well, I suppose this is as good of a way to come out as any.

Placing my hands on her shoulders, I kiss her back caringly. I don't know what Charlotte said to make her upset, but all that matters right now is that I'm here for her. We pull apart and I hug her tightly. I chuckle when I hear Lily whistle out a cat call behind us.

“What's wrong? What did Charlotte say?” I murmur into her shoulder. She shivers in my arms then pulls away.

“Nothing I can't handle. Don't worry about it,” she replies. She looks around us and grimaces at how half the people on the lawn are still gaping at us. “I'm sorry about kissing you like that in front of everyone, I shouldn't have sprung that on you,” she sighs. Rolling my eyes, I lean forward and plant a brief kiss on her lips. I'm glad we're just about the same height, it makes kissing easier.

“Don't worry about it,” I reassure teasingly, repeating her earlier words. She smiles weakly.

“AWWWW YOU GUYS ARE JUST TOO FUCKING CUTE,” Lily shouts adoringly,jumping in between us and slinging her arms around our shoulders. I laugh when Arabelle growls and bites her arm. Lily leaps back with an appalled expression. “What is this?! You get a girlfriend and suddenly I can't express my physical affection?” she gasps. Arabelle arches her eyebrow with a droll stare. Lily pouts with a huff. “Fine. What did the hot bitch say to get you all riled up, anyway?”

“It doesn't matter, don't worry,” she reassures her. Lily narrows her eyes at this, raising a threatening finger.

“Don't give me that 'It-doesn’t-matter-don't-worry' bullshit, young lady! I practically birthed you, I deserve to know!” she cries out. I blink in confusion, but Arabelle isn't surprised in the least.

“Leave it be.” The bell rings at that moment to signal the end of lunch. Arabelle retrieves her bag from our lunch spot and trudging to the arts and sciences building while I trot after her. The two of us enter the chemistry room in silence. Once in our seats, I turn to face her.

“It's okay if you don't want to talk about whatever happened. We're concerned is all. Just know that Lily and I are both here for you, okay?” She nods mutely, eyes glued to the pen she was spinning her fingers. Still unnerved by how she's been since her talk with Charlotte, I turn around in my chair to face the front of the room with a grimace. Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I twist once more and Arabelle is finally looking up.

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