Chapter 1

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Michelle Trachenberg (book cover) as Arabelle Lock

Amanda Seyfried (attached photo) as Marissa Oliver


Arabelle Lock POV

Fuck them all.

Fuck the whiny gossips, the meat heads, the bullies, the nerds, the emo kids, the goth kids, the loners, the popular princesses, the skaters, all of them. Fuck them, and most of all, fuck me, too.

I would look right at home in a line-up of troubled teens; nothing out of the ordinary. Black clothes, black makeup, and a hostile attitude. To adults, I look like a troublemaker. To other high school students, I look like the scary goth bitch. To both, I look damaged.

I roll my eyes at my own self-centered thoughts, pulling a mouth full of smoke from my cigarette. Smoking is a shitty habit, but I've never found the actual will power to try to stop. I don't smoke all that much, anyway; it's just something I enjoy indulging in every once in a while.

My school has a very fancy football field. A very expensive  football field which was funded by money that could have gone towards the dying arts programs, but I digress. The field has four huge bleachers, which provide excellent coverage opportunity for a killjoy such as myself to lurk during lunch. Running between the two middle bleachers is a path leading to the football field, which is where I'm sitting right now, leaning my back against the fence that separates the path from the area under the bleachers. Sometimes I like to sit here during lunch, just to watch the preps and jocks parade through here. It's always amusing to watch them prance about in their superficial lives, obsessing over synthetic drama and back stabbing the people they claim to care about. Teenagers never cease to provide entertainment.

I chuckle as Charlotte Sipple's group of bitches flounce by, smirking at the withering glares they send me. You could say Charlotte hates me in a way, but it's really just her own issues. Simply put, I confidentially helped her realize that she's a lesbian after she privately came to me asking for help figuring out her unwanted desires. Apparently she didn't like the answer, and decided to direct her self-loathing towards me. In fact, she turned most of the school against me with rumors, which was probably for the sake of discrediting anything I might say if I ever try to out her. Of course, I would never force her out of the closet. I made her a promise, and I don't break promises.

"Who's that?" I hear a curious voice whisper. My eyes dart  to the source of the voice, wondering who hasn't heard of me yet. If she hasn't heard of me yet, she must be new. Everyone in this school knows who I am, since I stick out like an outrageous sore thumb. Charlotte's posse halts, moving apart to let the new get a better look at me.

I had to double check to make sure my jaw hadn't dropped at the sight before me. The new girl  was absolutely gorgeous. Her heart shaped face held a pair of big grey eyes, full red lips, and an adorable nose. Her shiny blonde hair was parted down the middle, a look that not many people could pull off so fantastically.

"That's Arabelle Lock. I don't advise mingling with her, she's an attention deprived nutcase," Charlotte sneers. New Girl eyes me quizzically, as if trying to gauge me out for herself.

I cocked my head to the right coyly. "Aww, thanks Char. It's always refreshing to be reminded of how much you adore me," I coo sarcastically. Charlotte rolls her eyes as she flips her carefully curled brown hair over her shoulder.

"You're pathetic, Lock. Just stay away from Marissa, we don't want you contaminating her," Charlotte snaps. I grin.

"And I assume 'Marissa' is this lovely creature?" I ask, gesturing towards New Girl with my chin. Charlotte snorts in disgust, while Marissa just looks surprised.

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