To go and find Harry.

My curly haired angel was stood at the bars, waiting for me. My heart fluttered a little at the sight of him, his chest broad and strong as he inhaled and exhaled.

I smiled as I walked over, holding onto his hand through the bars.

"It's time?" He asked, and I could hear his heart beating.

I nodded, biting my lip.

"They're coming any minute now. This is all over. We've won." I watched as his face filled with joy.

"We're leaving?" His voice raised in hope.

"Uh hu. Saf's got a day or two here still, and then we're all gone." Images filled my head of my life in a few days, a week maybe. Free from here...and with Harry by my side.

"Okay." He breathed out, a grin forming on his chiseled cheeks.

"Can I ask a favour?" A slow smirk appeared on his cheeks.

"First Saf, now you?" I chuckled, lacing our fingers together through the bars.

"Huh?" He asked confused.

"Never mind. What favour do you want?" I stroked over his long fingers with my thumb.

"Can you bring me a chocolate bar? I think I saw one in your office the other day. I didn't eat it though, and I regret it." He mumbled, looking down.

I laughed, shaking my head.

"Yeah, sure. I'll bring it you." I let go of his hand, taking a few steps back.

"Yay! Thank you." He made the cutest little face, scrunching his nose and sticking his tongue out.

I blushed before heading back to my office. My office, which would no longer be mine in a couple of minutes. As I would resign, and leave this place with the people I cared about.

My feet padded against the ground, and I opened the office door.


A crazed look was in her eye as she looked around frantically.

I was gonna back away, but it was too late. She had seen me.

"Why are the police here? I locked the doors, I haven't let them in." She shook her head, crossing her arms.

"What-why? They're here to help." Even though my heart was racing, I tried to play it cool.

"Help with what?" She asked, her eyes narrowing at me.

"They're here to get Gale. They're here to arrest him." I nervously backed away a little as she took a step closer to me.

"Gale left two hours ago. So why are the police here?" She asked again, her eyebrows raising. "I'm not gonna ask twice Hazel."

My heart was pounding now, and I could sense she saw what I knew.

"Can I ask why a few of my notes have gone missing?" She stepped closer again and I backed up even further.

A smirk set upon her face.

"Hm. That's what I thought." Before I could respond, she opened her mouth.

"Graham!" She yelled out.

There was a moment or so of nothingness. Just silence.

And just like that, all the lights went off. The power had been shut off.

I didn't even have to think, I just ran.

I was quicker than Trish, smarter than Trish, more nimble. I could hear her though. I could hear two sets of footsteps running closely behind me.

I cried as I ran, skidding round corners. My legs were aching but I didn't care. It was my life on the line.

The doors had been fixed from last time, so no prisoners could escape their cells. They tried and screamed as I passed them; pulling on the doors.

"Harry! HARRY!" I screamed as I ran, hoping, praying that he would hear me.

"HARRY!" I yelled out, running as hard as I could towards his cell.

It was a dead end, and I would be cornered. But I had this man with me. And this man was capable of many things.

"HAZEL?" He yelled out, his voice strained.

I ran and ran, skidding around the corner to his cell.

"Harry, Harry she knows. She's coming. She's coming right now we've got to go, you've got to fight with me." My hands fumbled with his cell door, my breathing stressed as I couldn't focus.

"Oh Hazel?" Trish's voice sung out from nearby. She knew where I was, and she was slowly approaching.

I pushed Harry's door open, pleading with my eyes as I stared at his face.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked, gripping onto his hair.

"Hazel..." Graham. He was with her too.

My eyes met his, and he knew what had to be done.

He started to protest, but I grabbed onto his hands.

"Harry you can do this. We can do it."

He swallowed hard, letting go of my hands. I gave him a nod, watching as he turned away from me. He pushed himself against the wall, holding onto his hair and twitching.

I backed out of the cell, walking to the end of the hallway.

In prime sight for Trish to see me. I quickly fumbled with my phone in my pocket, pressing record and shoving it back in.

My hand shook as I watched her come around the corner. Smiling evilly as she slowly placed one foot in front of the other. Graham lingered behind her, chuckling darkly.

"Y'know Hazel, I'm impressed." She smiled, her hands now behind her back. "The investigators could never link anything back to me, and yet you-you sneaky little bitch-you figured me out."

She stepped closer and closer, nearing the entrance to Harry's cell. I looked in it out of the corner of my eye, and I couldn't see him. I couldn't see him through the darkness.

"Now I'm just gonna have to kill you aren't I?" She laughed, reaching into her nurses pouch. Revealing a long, slender knife.

"I sliced those other twenty bitches. And I'm about to make you twenty one. You should feel honoured really."

A low growl came from within Harry's cell and I could see him appear through the darkness. His body tight and hunched, sweat sticking his curls to his forehead; and those green eyes. Crazed and psychotic emerging through the pitch black.

"What the f-"


*plays badass music*

2000+ words, hope ya enjoyed it.


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