"You should care-" Dansby shook his head and held out his arm so Jessalyn could link her's through it. He turned and began escorting her towards the dugout.

The other two followed in step and Ender grinned, "Don't listen to anything he says about me. It's probably not true."

"I'm not worried," She admitted, "I'm sure I've heard and seen worse."

Before they knew it, they were in the clubhouse and Dansby turned to the two girls, "You girls wait here. Your boy will be right back-" He winked at Jessalyn and then turned to Bristol, "No running in and peeking in the showers like you did back in high school, you got it?"

"Oh please, I'm more mature now," Bristol crossed her arms and noticed Ender's arched eyebrow, "It was a DARE, okay? I never back down from those-"

Ender smirked at her words, "Okay, I dare-"

"INCIARTE," Dansby shook his head and laughed, "Let's go." He dragged his friend along and the two disappeared down the hall.

"Tu amigo es caliente!" Ender wasn't even afraid to say it. He might as well let Dansby know since apparently, they were all three joined at the hip.

Dansby frowned, "Ender, I swear- If you don't stop talking to me in Spanish when I have no way to translate it-"

"I said your friend is HOT, Swanson."

"Jess? She's not your type, Ender." Dansby's mind had so much focus in one place, he wasn't even putting two and two together.

"Um, okay. That's awesome you know me so well, but I was kind of talking about Bristol-" He nudged Dansby, "You have more than one friend back there, you know."

Dansby really wasn't thinking along the line of 'friends' at the moment. He shook the thought off and wasn't sure why it was harder to rid himself of it this time than the times before, "Right."

"Something wrong with me thinking she's hot, Dansby?"

"What? No. I don't care what Bristol does. I mean, if you hurt her I'll injure you but that's a given."

Ender laughed, "I'm not going to hurt her. What do you assume that? I've not exactly had twenty girls knocking down my door. Well, maybe I have, but I didn't accept! Wait-" Ender paused, "Are you saying you care what Jess does?"

Dansby shot him a look, "NO," He quickly brushed it off yet again, "What even. I couldn't care less. I just don't want them hurt, that's all."

"Okay-" Ender shrugged but knew differently, "Whatever you say, mi amigo!"

A few minutes had passed and finally, they'd made their way back. Ender was quick to retrieve Bristol and help her up from where she sat, "Okay, we'll catch up with you later--" He held her hand and headed for the door.

"Not so fast there, Ender-" Dansby laughed through his gritted teeth, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Out. To celebrate..." Ender shrugged, "Where do you think YOU'RE going?"

"With you two. We deserve to celebrate too."

Ender sighed, "Fine. The more the merrier-"

Bristol laughed and grabbed Ender's hand, "I don't care whose there as long as I get to know you a little better-"

"That's all I care to hear-"

Jessalyn lagged behind with Dansby. She didn't want to go out, it wasn't her style. She'd go though, for the company. And she didn't mean Ender and Bristol, "Dans, how is he with the ladies?"

Dansby shrugged, "Honestly, he's fine. He's just blunt. And so is she. It could get them into a lot of trouble. I don't want them... doing something they're going to regret and make the entire situation awkward, you know?"

"Mhmm.. wouldn't want that," She cut her eyes over to him, "Define regret?"

Again, her innocence showed through, "You know, like eleventh grade. Sam Winston-" He paused, "Quarterback of the football team. We used to be so close and she... I don't even want to think about it."

Jess shook her head, "She learned her lesson. He burned her good. And plus they had dated for a year, it's not like she just... you know, had just met him..."

"I was supposed to protect her and I didn't. I let her drink all those drinks on prom night... I was really wasted myself."

"We all made mistakes, Dans," She tried to calm him as they walked. A slight sensation ran over her as they hit the cool night air and he loosely grabbed her hand, "I'm sure we'll make plenty more."

"I hope not-" He glanced over at her, "I mean, ever since I've gotten called up I have tried to maintain my values.." Truth was, he didn't want to have meaningless relationships with countless girls.

She shyly smiled, "You promised me you would.. remember that?"

"You promised too," He grinned, remembering one moment they did share without Bristol around. They were almost to the car and he squeezed her hand before letting go, "Sit up front with me!"

"And put them in the--back-" She watched as they had already decided to do that, "Okay then. That's a big back seat-"

Dansby laughed, "I've got a mirror you two-" He pointed but they both shook their head, "You're not at all innocent, I see right through it!"

They all climbed in and Dansby backed the Tahoe out of the tight parking space, "I'm serious-" He stopped with his hand on the seat. His eyes were on Ender, "I'm watching you, Inciarte."

"Good gosh, what do you think I'm going to do," He frowned, "Don't answer that-"

"Please answer it-" Bristol teased and knew nothing like that was about to happen. They were just being playful and flirty, "Inquiring minds want to know!"

Dansby shook his head and focused back on the parking garage. He meant it though. He hadn't protected her once and he wasn't going to let it happen again. His main focus still remained on the girl in the passenger seat. Letting her know that would be an entirely different ballgame, though.

Swing for the Fences (Dansby Swanson/Ender Inciarte)Where stories live. Discover now