She had already decided that as long as she was in Aiden's 'house' she would respect him but the moment he dropped her off at her apartment she was ending this...whatever it was.

Ivy didn't have to wait very long before Aiden, in all of his glory, walked into the room. He was in a V necked sweater, black of course, fitted faded jeans and white K Swiss tennis shoes.

His hair was just such that Ivy wanted to run her fingers through it and pull all while fucking him senseless.

Bringing her deviant thoughts to a heel, she immediately lowered her head, looking at the floor and waiting for him to speak.

"Ivy you do not have to look at the floor every time I walk into the room. Only when we are here to play" he said as he moved closer to his little sub. He could barely hide the glee in her being so subservient but he pulled it back in before she noticed.

Taking her hands he assisted her to her feet and then coaxed her into looking at him. She wanted so much to get lost in those eyes; but she knew now, especially after last night, that they wouldn't or couldn't have a 'regular' relationship. Vanilla is what the internet called it. No kink just plain, good old fashioned sex. That most certainly was not Aiden Wallace.

Ivy winced as soon as she stood up; Aiden noticed and knit his brows together.

"Turn around" he instructed. She didn't hesitate in turning so that her back was in front of Aiden.

"Hair up" came another command. Sighing Ivy took her hair tie from around her wrist and put her hair into a messy bun.

"Don't move" his tone serious and she knew he meant it, so she stood absolutely still waiting for whatever he was about to do.

She hoped that it hadn't turned him on and that he didn't want more, Ivy definitely couldn't handle anymore right now. Her body was anxious and she felt short of breath. God she was starting to hyperventilate.

"Ivy turn around and look at me" Aiden said authoritatively and Ivy obeyed quickly, so quickly she got dizzy from spinning around.

Her body weaved as Aiden steadied her with two very capable hands on each side of her head. He was mouthing for her to focus on his eyes and lips; she couldn't hear him over the loud buzzing in her ears but she could read what he was saying.

"Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth; take slow, deep breaths. There you go, Good girl." He was bringing her through whatever had just happened. The buzzing was lessening and the dizziness was subsiding.

"I-I'm so sorry Aiden" she mumbled. Aiden's body stiffened and immediately Ivy realized she had called her Dom by his given name.

"Sir, I apologize" she began but then Aiden's mouth was on hers. He had deliberately kissed her and effectively stopped her from talking.

When he finally quit nibbling on her bottom lip he said "Ivy, when we are out in public or away from this place you do not call me sir. Aiden is perfectly acceptable right now."

Ivy nodded. "But why did you stiffen when I said your name?" She looked so pure and innocent at this point and he couldn't seem to stop studying every aspect of her face.

Giving her what resembled a smile he answered with the simplest explanation he could. "I haven't heard my name fall from such beautiful lips in a very long time. It sounded strange and at the same time I liked hearing it."

Damn him and his vulnerability! He was now making her second guess everything she had decided earlier; breaking it off with him and wanting nothing to do with him, now she couldn't follow through with those plans. She was a moth, Aiden Wallace was the flame, and there was a huge amount of certainty that she was going to get burned. There was no doubt about that, it was a fact she hesitantly accepted.

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