"That ravenclaw was awfully annoying." Tom said out of no where.

She stopped for a second before looking at him. "He was." She replied. "I've never seen someone so interested in a name"

"You're name is rather different." He commented looking down at her.

She said looking up at him. "Oh well thank you?"

"It wasn't a complaint."

"I see." She murmured.

"I hope know this invite wasn't a symbol of friendship, I only knew you'd be to stupid to know where this dinner would be." He started.

"I'm not stupid." She replied back. He was just making jokes about John now he's was right back to being the cold hearted bitch he was. Tom really was a confusing boy. He didn't say anything because he didn't need to. He knew she wasn't.

"I don't need you to think we're anything more then school partners." He said, referring to the rumour they were more seeing how he acted with her the first day of classes.

"Amazing." She said sarcastically.

Insolence again. He hadn't the patience for it.

"Why must you act like a child."

She raised a brow. "Your the one seeming to whine and complain about me."

Again. Gosh was she ever going to stop.

"Do not talk to me like that girl." He hissed.

She was really pushing his buttons and she damn well knew it.

"Does my tone annoy you Tom?" She smiled, eyes batting up to him.

"Your lack of respect does." Anger lacing his words.

"Well Tom," She started moving slightly closer. Pushing him more. Testing him. "Maybe the things we hate about others is the things we actually love."

He's expression hardened. "I don't love."

She laughed slightly. "Tom love doesn't mean the kind of love we all know, love means in my home something that isn't hate. Do you hate me Tom?"

He's eyes narrowed slightly. "No I don't not hate you Conscious. But your lack for respect i will not stand for."

She smiled looking right into his green eyes. "Then you love me." She turned away and walked to the common. He followed seconds later seeing she had vanished around the corner.

His eyes glared slightly as he went to his Prefect room. Tom laid on his bed look at the ceiling. He couldn't stop thinking of 4 words;

Then you love me

Love, love, love. What was it good for? Absolutely nothing. He couldn't love nor did he want to. Love was weakness. He had no idea why said had said that. It's not like Conscious was fond of love. He tugged at his hair turning to his stomach. He folded his arms letting his chin rest in the middle. This girl had left him confused and wanting more. He wanted to solve her but for once he didn't know how to break someone. He is feared by everyone. No one bothers him because they know he's meant for bad.

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