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Victoria's POV

When I woke up, Chris was gone, so I peeked around the corner and saw Stone sitting on the couch talking to him.
I slid out of the bunk and saw Matt was just waking up.
"Morning." I grinned,
I made my way towards them, slowly and nearly tripping over my own tired feet.

"Hey there Vicky." Stone said with a smile.
"Hi Steno." I greeted.
"Goodmorning sleeping beauty." Chris teased.

"So what went on last night?" Stone asked.
"She came to check on me and we went to sleep." Chris told him.
"Innocent enough. Bad news, sweets." Stone said, now facing me.
"Huh?" I said, completely confused.
I had totally forgotten about the paparazzi.

Chris glared at Stone.
"I found Eddie last night, its not looking too good." He paused.
"Just tell me."
"First you have to promise not to bail on us." Stone said.
"Okay, I promise not to leave, now spill it."

He sighed, "I found Eddie at a bar last night," he paused, gauging my reaction. He'd better tell me before I run out of oxygen. I was holding my breath.
"He kinda had some chick all up on him, he was taking her out of the bar last time I saw. I tried to stop him but he was too drunk to care. I'm really sorry Vicky, don't sweat it, please." He said really quickly.

Chris was watching me too, and Matt had just climbed out of his bed. I could hear his footsteps.
I couldn't really think.
I mean, why would he do it? Was I not good enough? I felt stupid.

"Where is he?" I asked.
"He's back on the bus." Stone answered.
"You all want a new bus-mate for a while?" I said to Chris and Matt.
"I'm down." Chris smiled at me.
"Yeah same." Matt agreed.

"Cmon Vicky, can't you two work it out?" Stone asked.
"Absolutely not. He cheated on me!" I said. The anger was slowly rising to the top.
"I know, but the guys and I love you, you can't leave us." He argued.

"You can come visit me here, or you can chase Eddie off for a little while and I'll come over." I told him.
"You're being ridiculous." He said.
I shrugged, taking a seat next to Chris.

"Whatever. See you whenever, Vicky. Don't forget us." He smiled weakly, leaving.
"Well, now what?" I asked Chris and Matt.
"You're not gonna like...I don't know, freak out about the fact that he cheated on you?" Chris wondered.
"Not right now." I shook my head, even though on the inside I felt as if I was gonna explode.

I was trying to stay level-headed. I didn't want to freak out in front of Matt again.


The bus was on the move again, and I was still with Soundgarden.
I was hanging out in the back room that Matt took me to yesterday. Chris was reading a magazine and tapping his foot anxiously.
At first I ignored the sound but it was starting to get on my nerves.
"Chris, calm down, what's wrong?" I laughed.
He smiled a little and joined me, laughing at himself.

"Are you really not upset about him cheating?" Chris asked.
"Of course I am upset, I just, I don't know." I said.
I didn't feel the need to cry or scream right now. I guess somewhere deep down I predicted this. They are touring musicians.

Maybe I was tainting the idea of dating musicians. Maybe if I went for Stone, or Jeff, or Dave I would've been better off. Hell, even Chris. He was just as attractive as Eddie, but something told me he wasn't the kind that would ever cheat. Drunk or sober.

"Okay." He said, tapping his foot a little slower now.
"Wanna go somewhere?" He asked.
"Where to?"
"The mini fridge." He giggled.
"Alcohol." He smiled.
I nodded and we both got up and pulled beer from the fridge, returning to the back once we were fully stocked.

We messed around with the guitars, dozed off, woke up, drank more and told stupid stories for the rest of the day.

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