Something's burning

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"Okay who's hungry?" Jeff asked.
"Make me food." Eddie said.
"Yes master." Jeff bowed.

"Cmon shorty, get up." Chris told me, pushing me up and off of his legs.
I stood, still tired.
"Jesus. Are you two sore too?" Chris asked us, popping his back.
"A little." I answered. Eddie just shrugged and laid back down. He looks exhausted.

"Good plan." I whispered to Eddie, laying back down on him.
"I see how it is," Chris joked, wiping a fake tear. Eddie just flipped him off and closed his eyes.


"Something's burning!!"

Eddie and I sat up simultaneously and looked at each other.
"Jeff! What the hell!?" We heard Chris yell.
I got up off of Eddie and went to the kitchen, seeing Jeff look helplessly at burnt eggs.

"Oh dude you fucked that up." Stone laughed.
"Sorry." Jeff said.
"How about we just go out to eat?" I suggested.
"She's smart too. Damn." Chris said with a little laugh.

Jeff threw the burnt food away and put the pan back on the stove, while Stone opened the back door to let the awful smell out.

I walked back into the living room to tell Eddie that we were going out to eat.
"Cmon Eddie, lets get up for real this time. We're going out to eat." I told him.
"10 more minutes." He begged, shoving his face into the pillow.

"No, come on Ed." I said, pulling his arm.
"I'm not hungry." He argued.
"If you're not going then neither am I." I told him.
"Damn it. I'm up. And I also hate you." He grumbled.

"You could never." I smiled and hugged him.
"Whatever Vicky." He mumbled, leaning his head on Me.
"Aww you're so tired." I said while I admired his face.

He had beautiful features. A perfectly straight nose, incredible blue eyes, cheek bones I would kill for, the most amazing smile-although Chris had a great one too- Eddie had nothing to be self conscious about.

"You're handsome." I told him quietly. He lifted his head to face me.
"What possessed you to think that?" He asked.
"No really, you are. Have you looked at yourself?" I said seriously.

He was oblivious to his beauty. While someone like Chris was fairly aware, -not cocky about it- but he knew what his looks did to people.

"I'm not. You're just saying that." Eddie said.
"Eddie seriously, I mean it." I told again.
"Well thanks, I guess." He shrugged.

"Lets go losers!" Dave yelled, pulling me up to my feet and twirling me around. I laughed and waited for Eddie to stand.
"Hey booger." Chris said as his arm slumped over my shoulders.
"Rude." I teased.
"You know it." He rolled his eyes playfully. Speaking of eyes, Chris had amazing eyes.

"Hold still." I told him, with my hands on his shoulders.
"Huh?" His face contorted in confusion.
I looked directly into his eyes, picking out the color. Blue and green mixed into the most perfect shade.

"Wow. Okay lets go." I said, straightening back up and walking.

"Who's driving?" Mike asked.
"I vote Stone." Dave said.
"Agreed." I added.

"Alrighty." Stone accepted, walking out to the car, or van really.

I got in the back seat and was crushed in between Dave and Chris. Eddie and Jeff were in the very back and Mike was in the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" Chris asked, his hands behind his head as he relaxed.
"There's a little diner we can go to." Stone told him.
"Cool." Chris answered, shutting his beautiful eyes.

"Hi." Dave spoke, I turned my head to face him.
"Hey." I grinned.

"So Vicky, hmm, what's your favorite color?" He asked me.
"Uh blue. But like blue with a touch of green." I said, being lowkey about the fact that Chris' eye color was on my mind.
"Turquoise." Chris mumbled from the other side of me.
"Yeah, that," I laughed, "what's yours?" I returned the question.
"Red probably." He answered.

"Interesting. Hey you two are twinning!" Dave said suddenly. I looked at him confused, waiting for an explanation.
"You and Chris, you're wearing the same shirt. Well different colors but same thing." He said.

I looked at Chris, who was wearing a white '90' shirt.
"Well this is his." I laughed. Chris nodded.

Stone parked the car and we all got out. Chris walked beside me while the others walked ahead of us.
He leaned down and spoke next to my ear, I could feel his warm breath. "You can keep the shirt if you want."
I swallowed hard and nodded. He made me feel vulnerable. I kinda liked it.

"Hey! What's up guys? Who's this? Are you Cornell's girl?" A blonde man said. He had big blue eyes and a rather strange beard.

"I'm Layne." He introduced himself.
"I'm Vicky."

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