11-finding work

92 4 19

(A/N: ^^that's from the actual anime^^)

Youngjae POV

The noise echoed through the my ears as my eyes adjusted to the morning sun.
"MmmmhM what time is it?" I groaned.


My phone lit up a second time indicating that I got a text message.

9:32 AM
-I am out getting a makeover to hide my identity and then I'm gonna search for a job, I'll be home around 5.💖💖💖

                               9:45 AM
okay babe stay safe, alright?-
I am going to meet Taemin at the cafe he works at, to see if I can get a job there

Read 9:45
-ok, see you babe😘😘

I get up and squint my eyes at the beautiful sun. "Ahhh time to get dressed." I said as I stood up to grab my towel and a clean pair of clothes.

~at the cafe~

"Tch, where is this fucking place??"
I said as I waked down the busy street. I was about to ask the man working the flower shop when I heard someone yelling my name.

"Youngjae!! Youngjaeeeee. YOUNGJAE I SWEAR-"

"T-Taemin? Jesus you fucking scared me!!"

"Hey!! You ready to see your possible new job??"

"Very." I said happily as we continued to walk past the open shops and screaming kids.

"Oh, yeah" I started.

"Hmm?" Taemin hummed back.

"I never asked what the name of the cafe is." I curiously asked the boy.

"Do you EVER listen when I speak?"

"Huh, what? Sorry, I wasn't listening THERE WAS A REALLY CUTE DOG AND-"

"-The name of the cafe is Anteiku. The managers' name is Jinki, he is the second owner of the shop. His uncle, Yoshimura used to be the manager but he is currently in a retirement home. Minho and I are quite close with him and to other parole that work their." Taemin interrupted.

"Oh, uh ok. Yeah, I'll totally remember all of that." I said as we walked into a cozy building nestled between to apartment buildings.

When I first walked in, I saw a bad and a a couple sofa-chairs here and there and many tables with beautiful dark brown wood crescents on the top.


"It's nice, right?"

I walked over to go at the cups they had for sale while Taemin went to put as bag on the coat hanger. Suddenly, footsteps came bursting through a door near the bar.

A male voice said that could only be described as sassy.

Another mans voice answered which could be described as well, pissed.

The sassy voice replied.

And lastly, a sweet but stern voice verbally shook the room, stopping the fight.

"Oh, hey Taemin when'd you get here?" The nice voice happily finished.

"A couple minutes ago, you're gonna meet Youngjae, remember?"

"Oh yeah!!"

I finally decided to look up from the shelves to meet 4 pairs of eyes staring at me.

"H-hi, I'm Choi Youngjae, nice to meet you all." I answered shyly.

"Well, fellow there Youngjae! I'm Jinki! And this is Ki-"

"The names' Kibum and this is my boyfriend, Jonghyun. Got a problem with gays?"

My eyes widened in shock at the face that belonged to the sassy voices strait forwardness.

"Babe, calm down. You don't want to scare him away do you?"


"Hi Youngjae. I am Jonghyun by the way and you can just call Kibum, Key if you want. And hopefully you don't mind gay people?" Jonghyun said hopefully.

My face stretched into a smile. "Of course not! I have a boyfriend myself." I said as I awkwardly chuckled.

"Oh, that's great!"
He said.

"Well, now that we've got introductions out of the way we'll start the interview. Team', can you go grab the meat out of the back while us 3 get ready?"

"Sure." Taemin answered tiredly.

"Fighting!!" Taemin whispered as he passed me.

I watched my only hope of a non-awkwardness walk through a hall to where I assumed was the back.

I loud clap snapped me out of my thoughts. "Now," Key started.
"First question: can you work a coffee machine?"

"Uhm, sorta, I mean, I only drink tea." I said embarrassingly.

"Can you bake?" Jonghyun asked.

"Without burning the cafe down???" I asked.

"Can you do dishes?" Jinki politely asked.

"I can do it but about 98% of them will be broken..." I awkwardly shifted under their gazes.

"Aissshhh what can you do?" Key annoyingly asked.

"I-I uhm, can....sing"
I whispered the last part.

"Speak up!" Key yelled.

"I CAN SING!!!" I yelled back.

"Hmmm we were looking for a new entertainer after the last one quit from fighting with Key so much." Jonghyun said thoughtfully.

"Fucking Heechul." Key grumbled under his breath."

"Well then, welcome to Anteiku, Choi Youngjae!" Jinki joyfully said.

who updated?? noe did!! CAN U GUYS SMELL THE TRASH????
love ya!!! see u guys next chapter!!!!
-🚮noe le trash🚮

ghoul »» 2jae {discontinued}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz