"Whoah, wow, okay. If there are purple pianos involved in this, I am on board." Kurt says excitedly.

"These pianos were repossessed from foreclosed homes. They're cast-offs, just like all of us. Used, in need of repairs..." Dad says to us.

"But they're still capable of making beautiful music." Tina grins at us. I turn my face and Mike smiles at her. I just roll my eyes and cross my hands on my chest.

"Right. So Mr. Motta, as a lover of the arts, agreed to donate them to Glee. I fixed them up, painted them purple, and the Purple Piano Project was born. Now I'm going to be placing these grape-y uprights randomly throughout the school and whenever you see one, no matter what you're doing, I want you to sing a song. Now use this assignment to attract kids who are just like you. Kids who can't keep the music inside. Those are the kinds of additions that we need to win it all this year. Now for many of you, this is your last year. Let's make it special." Dad smiles at us.

The bell rings.

I stand up from my seat and take my step to go out from the choir room. "Paris..." Mike called me. I didnt turn around and walk out from the choir room. I'm still dont wanna talk to him.

Mike's POV

The bell rings.

I turn my face to behind me and Paris just stand up from her seat and take her step to way out from the choir room.

"Paris..." I called her.

She didnt turn around but keep walking until she went out from the choir room. I let out a sigh and dont know what should I do. She's been ignoring me since that night. She is furious.

I just dont understand how could she ignore me three months long when the fact that I miss her a lot. I miss her like crazy because during summer everytime I went to her apartment it's always empty or either I met Mr. Schue and he told me that Paris didnt want to meet me anymore. This is driving me crazy.

"She's still ignoring you?" Tina asks me.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Mike, I will talk to her and explain the truth to her. I'm so sorry, it was my fault. Maybe if I didnt say that words, she wouldnt be mad at you like this." Tina says to me and walk away.

"Tina, wait!" I shout and walk out from the choir room.

I look around and Tina already gone. I just hope that Tina can make Paris understand that I'm not typical of guy who loves cheating and I wont cheat on her. It's just really stupid.


Paris's POV

I take my ransel from my locker and then shut my locker. I guess start from today I will ask Mercedes to drive me home or go home with dad which mean staying a little late at school.

"Paris, we need to talk." Tina suddenly blocks my way.

"There is nothing to say. You can have him. You came in first and I came in second." I half-smiled at her and turn my way.

"No, there is nothing between Mike and I." Tina blocks my way and frowns at me.

"But he asked you have romantic dinner with him." I simply said.

Tina chuckles and shakes her head. "No, he didnt. He really loves you. I know he likes you since his junior year."

"Tina, just please..." I shake my head.

"Paris, you should trust me. I just helped Mike. He planned that things for you not for me. He knew that rooftop is your favorite place and he want to brough you there. It was my fault. I shouldnt say that sentences and made you think that it was for me. But the fact, it was for you. You cant ignore him for a long time. He did nothing wrong. I just want to make things straight. He's been sad all day since summer because you ignore him. Just give him a chance to explain." Tina half-smiled at me and walk away.

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