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'The Technological Revolution in the early 21st century,' said Professor Parker to the rows of half-attentive students, 'saw a dramatic change in the way we live and eat. Before the Revolution, societal stereotypes were the opposite of today. Slimness was associated with the poor, and plumpness, ironically, with the rich.'

The professor paused, and an uneasy murmur rose and died.

'Furthermore, terrible, unthinkable diseases such as diabetes, obesity...'

The class bristled in a collective shudder.

'Of course, all this monstrosity was fixed through the invention of the...?'

A hand shot up immediately from the first row.

'Yes, Sarah?'

'The NutriBot, 2038, by German scientist Nicolas Pasche. It is a small machine in the oesophagus that tracks the nutrition taken into the body and gives you a guideline for your diet.'

'Correct. After this revolutionary invention, the NutriBot has been an essential part of our lives, with ninety percent of our population using it. The ten percent, of course, are the unfortunate class of people whose parents could not afford the NutriBot at their birth.'

The class sagged in a groan of sympathy.

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