Chapter 8

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"If I could hold you, swear I'd never put you down."

-Diana, One Direction

Chapter 8

I felt very alone at first. It was something I was quite used to, but it felt much more lonely after I had been able to speak with Harry. Now that he was gone, I felt the overwhelming silence, besides the TV playing at an appropriate volume in the background. The channel wasn't anything interesting, so I guess I would just have to wait until two, when Harry and Louis would come on with the rest of the band. Hopefully, I'd be able to entertain myself until then.

First, I explored the house a little more, again reminding myself to ask Harry about his awards, but eventually I had seen every place I could reach and was bored again. I couldn't leave the house due to the obstacle of closed doors, so sat down on the couch and stared at the TV while it played a program I had no real desire to watch. Soon enough, I zoned out.

"And now, we welcome One Direction!" I was startled out of my staring into space when the TV host announced this very enthusiastically, followed by a wave of screams from teenage girls. The program had changed to some sort of news or updates show, or a talk show, maybe. I had a habit of loosing track of time by looking out windows and letting my mind wander. Usually, once I had broken out of my daydreaming, I would forget what I had thinking about moments prior, which was exactly what happened now. My full attention turned towards the screen as I leaned forward, placing my elbows on my knees and setting my face down on my hands.

Harry entered first and smiled and waved towards cameras, nodding his head in acknowledgment, sitting down at the end of the couch that was closest to the TV host. A blonde one came next, followed by a black haired man, a brunette, then finally, Louis at the very end. My eyes immediately left their focus on the others and stayed trailed on the last member, watching his tired and dreary movements as he weakly smiled and sat down at the opposite end of the couch as Harry. I could see him sigh, as though he was fed up with everything. Fed up with the cameras, fed up with the screaming, fed up with the interviews, fed up with all the fake smiling.

Fed up with life.

"Good afternoon! Harry, it's so great to have you and the others here today," the host said, addressing Harry only. I watched as the black haired one and Louis both rolled their eyes, scoffing slightly. Was Harry the main media target? He must've been sitting closest to the woman hosting the show for a reason.

"Yes, Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall and I are very happy to be here," Harry replied all-too-pleasantly, enunciating the other boys' names, sounding almost accusing. I giggled, covering my mouth as I did so even though there was no one else around.

"Of course they are. Now Harry, you've just finished your second tour and your third album comes out very soon. What does that feel like?" the woman asked, completely ignoring the others and brushing them off like they weren't there. If I was visible, and brave enough, I would've marched over there and given her a piece of my mind. She was being awfully rude and it was unacceptable. But, I wasn't visible, nor was I brave enough, so I stayed sitting silently fuming on Harry's living room couch, alone.

"Niall, what would you say it feels like?" Harry directed the question onto Niall- who turned out to be the boy on his direct right- and took the spotlight off of himself, much to the annoyance of the host. She kept the smile on her face, though, and turned to Niall as if seeing him for the very first time since he entered the room.

"It's amazing, absolutely surreal. None of us can really believe it's actually happening to us, y'know?" he said, seeming to be a bit startled, not expecting the question to come his way.

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