Chapter 5

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"You don't have to worry, I'll be coming back for you."

-Back For You, One Direction

Chapter 5

"Harry?" I asked incredulously, standing up sharply at his sudden presence as if by a reflex. His eyes were red and puffy from crying and the tears looked like they had frozen on his cheeks, but he somehow still managed to look beautiful, even in his broken state. Was that even possible, or was I just obsessed with him after I was able to talk to a person for the very first time in years?

"I- I honestly don't even know why I'm here, actually," he stuttered, laughing nervously, and choking slightly on the tears that were obviously still present. He made no move to cover it up, and to me that was a much braver and bolder action than if he had done so.

"You have to have come for a reason, Harry. It's one o'clock in the morning." My gaze shifted to the large clock at the top of a building to my right, always telling the correct time. Harry's eyes moved, too, but he was quick to bring them back to my face.

"This is gonna sound really stupid, but...I just couldn't get to sleep and didn't want to wake anyone up and I guess you were the first person that popped into my head even after I had basically kicked you out." His nervous laughter echoed across the empty park once more as he ran a hand through his hair, which wasn't covered by a beanie this time. "I don't even know, I'm an idiot. Why would I come here?" he asked himself, before turning around and starting to walk away just as quickly as he had arrived.

"Wait!" I called out, suddenly finding movement in my legs and chasing after him. He paused and turned around, eyes widening in surprise. "If you need help getting to sleep, I could talk to you for a bit, if you would like that," I suggested, but he still held a look of confusion.

"Why would you want to help me when I so very rudely dumped you here and left you without a second glance?" he wondered aloud, raising his eyebrows. I stood stunned for a moment, not quite knowing the answer myself.

"I don't have anyone else to talk to, Harry. I might be not all you have, but you're all I've got," I explained helplessly, and he smiled slightly, motioningou for me to follow him.

"Come back with me. I won't return you this time, I promise," he joked, and even at the tired hour of one o'clock in the morning, he looked much more alive as I followed him down the path for the second time that day. He rubbed his eyes a little and wiped his cheeks, trying to improve his appearance, laughing a little as he did. "I'm a mess," he chuckled, avoiding my eyes.

"I am sure you have a reason to be," I comforted, earning a smile from him as he opened the door for me to get into his car.

The streets were not very busy at this hour, which wasn't very surprising. Only a few cars passed us and we were back at his house in half the time it took to get there earlier today (or yesterday, if you wanted to get technical about things). Harry cut the ignition, but made no move to leave the warmth of the heated vehicle.

"I still don't quite understand who you are, you know," he said eventually, staring out the windscreen, gazing off into the distance with his mind in a world of it's own.

"I know," I replied, sighing slightly. We sat in silence for a little while longer before Harry got out of the car, then jogged around to open my door and close it behind me, running to the front door to escape the cold and enter the most likely heated home. I joined him in his rush, even though the temperature didn't bother me at all.

Harry tried to remain quiet as he removed his coat and tiptoed up the stairs, and I was as silent as ever. Even if I had been able to make noise, I probably wouldn't have. I was always very graceful with my movements and ways, but that was probably just because of the way I was brought up. I could remember the hours I wasted away walking around with a book on my head, my mother trying to make me walk with a lighter step. It worked, after many months, and now it was just an instinct to walk as silently as I possibly could.

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