Ghost (Harry Styles)

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"No, I'm not dead! I'm not! Look at me, mother, look at me!" I shouted, running towards her to turn her in my direction, but my arms flew straight through her body, sending a wave of cold down my arm, making me cringe and recoil. I continued shouting at both of them, and soon I was crying, for they would not answer me, and they would not look my way.

"There's no use doing that, darling. They can't hear you." I stopped shouting and spun to face the door, an unfamiliar figure standing beneath its frame. He was tall; dark eyes, dark hair, sophisticated clothing. He wasn't particularly handsome, but I wouldn't go as far to call him unattractive, either.

"Who are you, then?" I asked defensively, glaring at him. "And why can't they see me? Why can't they hear me?" He didn't answer, just shook his head, a hint of a smile on his face. "Why are you smiling? What am I, a ghost? Am I dead?" He laughed, shaking his head once again.

"Oh, you're not a ghost, darling." His smile was slightly mischievous now, causing a wave of chills to go down my spine. "You've still got a bit of life in you yet."


Some things Josephine knows about the boys: Harry has trouble getting to sleep at night, Louis swears a lot, Liam is afraid of spiders but won't tell anyone, Niall hates scrambled eggs and Zayn doesn't like to go outside.

Some things Harry knows about Josephine: She's the most curious person he's ever met, she has the grace of a ballerina and she hates the snow more than anything.

Then there's the one thing that's the most important: Nobody knows that Josephine exists.

Nobody except Harry.

So this is just the description, and I'll start posting this as soon as I've finished my other fan fiction. I'm really excited for this story and I love it to pieces so I just had to post the description because I couldn't help myself :) I hope you like it!

{edit: i already am posting this. my 'other fan fiction' doesn't exist so just read this ok}

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