Chapter 2

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Supergirl was fight the fire which she put out easily with her frost breath. Then she saw her. Lena Luthor. Wow she was so pretty. Wait she was stuck in the fire. She needed help and now.
"Don't worry Lena. I have you." Supergirl said to her. She was going to do it. She was going to tell Lena tonight.
"Thank you so much supergirl." Lena said sleepily." Can you tell your friend Kara Danvers that I would like to speak to her"
"Of corse Lena." Anything for you Lena. She couldn't say that thought. She took Lena to the ambulance. Kara always had a special place in her heart for Lena maybe not like this for the whole time but now she does and she needed to tell her.
"Thank you supergirl" Lena said again. Starting to come to her senses
"It my job Lena and I'll get that message to Kara as soon as possible."
"Thank you really. You deserve someone to take care of you after these long night" Lena said. Little did she know that she would hopefully be that girl soon. Kara did have someone. Well had someone. Now she was about to get someone.

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