A regular day

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A couple of days has passed since Lisanna told Natsu that she would like to leave the team and go on missions by herself. Lucy, on the other hand, has gone on many missions with her team and has enjoyed every bit of it. Currently, they were looking for a rare mushroom that apparently has the ability to heal any illnesses possible. 

"We've been looking for hours," Happy said. "We'll never find it!"

"Happy, keep looking, you can do it!" Lucy said in a reassuring voice.

"You're so mean!!" He responded with tears rolling down his eyes.

"It becomes less effective every time you do that," Lucy said with her eyebrow twitching.

"Oh!" Natsu shouted, "I found it!!" He lifted up a purple mushroom with green dots. Lucy put her hands on her forehead and sighed.

"That's not its Natsu..."

"It is it, Luigi," 

Lucy's eyebrows continued to twitch, "It's Lucy...WHY DID YOU EVEN PICK THIS MISSION?!"

"Who's rent are we doing this for??" Gray said in a sarcastic voice.

"Ah..haha.." Lucy laughed quietly. "Where's Erza," she said, realizing Erza wasn't here.

"Guys! I found the mushroom!" Behind the crew, they could hear Ezra's voice. Unfortunately, when they turned around, they saw a 12 foot monster in a shape of a mushroom. Erza, on the other hand, was on top of it with her sword on her other hand.

"Finally, something interesting!" Natsu ran towards the monster and fried it. "TAKE THAT MUSH-" Natsu wasn't able to finish his sentence because of Erza's fist. 

"Next time, cook it when I'm not on it."

"Aye sir, "Natsu said while looking at the scary Erza. Lucy couldn't help but laugh, she was definitely back at where she belonged. 

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