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"Hey Lucy!! Let's go on a mission----- where's Lucy," Natsu and Happy said to the fellow guild members.

"Oh she's not here yet," said Mira. Natsu and Happy then walked to where Erza and Gray were at.

"What's wrong you guys look dejected," Erza said.

"Lucy's not here," said Happy depressed. Erza smiled. Just then Lisanna walked up to the group and sat down.

"Hey guys!" she said Cheerfully."I was wondering if I can go on a quest with you guys?"

"Sure but we already have a lot of members in our team," Gray said.

"Yeah, including Wendy and Lucy." said Natsu. Just then Lisanna began to cry.

"AH!What's wrong!!!" Natsu said in a panic.

"Look at you Natsu, always making girls cry," said Gray

"You guys have changed.." she said in a low voice. "Ever since we were little you guys promised that we would go on quest together..."

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do. Finally, after exchanging some looks, Erza then said, "Well, one more member wouldn't hurt."

"Yeah!" said Natsu and Happy.

"No...you're right, there are too many...maybe we should ask Lucy to join another team.." she said softly. Natsu was getting ready to object but Lisanna continued.

"I mean I have nothing against her....i just feel like her being in a team with you guys won't make her stronger since you guys do all the work." The group continues to send glances at each other.

"She won't be able to get stronger and she'll probably burden you guys.." She continued when she realized that no one was responding.

"It's not like that" Natsu said, breaking the silence. "Lucy is Lucy and she's not weak. She's hella strong."

"Sure she can be clumsy sometimes, but she's important to us and we never considered her a nuisance, " Erza interjected. 

"I agree, we can't kick her out," Gray said. 

"Aye sir!" 

While listening to everyone speak, Lisanna was speechless. 'Everyone was on Lucy's side. But why, why is she suddenly so important to them. I was here first! I can't believe they would do this to me. Lucy's nothing.' She thought. There was no way that she's going to let this slide.

"But don't you think we owe this to her? She joined the guild without knowing what independence is like..." Team Natsu looked at each other and decided that she was kind of right.

"Maybe a short time, we can let her go on missions by herself and when she wants she can join us again..." Gray said sadly. 

Just then Lucy entered the guild.

"What's up guys, why are you all looking so down," she said.

"Lucy..we need to tell you something," said Gray. "We've been thinking that maybe you should go on solo quest for a few days."

Shocked Lucy was choking for words. She didn't understand why they would say this.

"What do you mean?" she said shaking a little.

"It's just for a short time! You can come back whenever you want, we just thought that maybe you'd want to experience independence before joining us again." Gray continued.

"Sorry, it's nothing personal, it's just we think you may not improve your skills if you stay with us," said Lisanna.

 Lucy's heart broke. She never thought that they would do this. Was it because she's weak? She looked down at the floor and covered her eyes with her hair. Trying hard to conceal the tears that were welling up in her eyes.

"Sorry, Lucy, I know we just met but I don't want you to think I'm taking your spot," Lisanna said.

"What do you mean," what she really meant was are you kidding me. She thought whether or not if she was just a replacement for Lisanna. After everything they've been through, didn't it count? Natsu stared at her without saying a word. Troubled at the look on her face. He didn't know what to do.

"Lucy..." Erza said, softly

"No." Lucy finally said."I understand. Have fun." After exchanging those words, she turned around without looking at them and started walking home. After Lucy left, Happy started to cry

"Lucy..." Happy wailed, "LUC-Y"

"Stop it Happy!! It's not like she's leaving the guild!"

"Natsu...You say that but you're sobbing too."

"S-Shut up!"

"Why are you crying," asked Lisanna a little annoyed.

"I hope she's ok..." Erza's words trailed off.

"Me too," Gray said.

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