Nine: I'm an Idiot, but Don't You Dare Call Me Small

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Nine: I'm an Idiot, but Don't You Dare Call Me Small

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"Why isn't he here?" a young boy asked his friend, while they were sitting on the swings in the park.

"He's visiting his grandparents. Are you missing your boyfriend already?" she teased.

"He's not my boyfriend," the boy answered shyly, a pink tint spreading across his cheeks. "Not yet."

"Well, I guess you don't need to rush. You're meant to be together anyway," the girl shrugged.

"I guess so. Isn't he lonely over there? Or at least bored?"

"He used to have a friend, I think. His name was Robert or something like that. But he moved away last year."

"Have you ever met this Robert guy?" the boy wondered.

"Yeah, once. About two years ago. He's really nice. He didn't act like a butt, unlike someone," she said, casting an accusing glance at her friend.

"Oh, please, no need to tell me how special I am. I know," he grinned.

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Ophelia was chopping carrots, while humming a catchy song she heard on the radio. A month had passed since her encounter with the stranger on the rooftop. She still thought about the bizarre day.

Her phone rang in her back pocket. A smile settled on her face when the girl saw, who was calling. She answered the call, placing her phone on the counter and returning to making lunch.

"Noah! What's up?" she practically shouted out of excitement.

As Ophelia found out about a month ago, people in Europe could indeed text. Shocking. Noah, Jeff's son, was an incredibly friendly and interesting person. They quickly became friends, constantly texting and calling each other.

"Hey, Fel. I was wondering," he began. She heard faint laughs and music blasting on the other end. "Why do we spell Fel with an 'f' if Ophelia has 'ph'?"

"Oh my God, you're high, aren't you?" the girl laughed.

"Yes," he giggled, "Don't tell dad."

"First, you're a grown ass man. Second, why would I tell him? Third, don't you have a test on Monday? You should be studying."

"You sound just like my dad, it's almost creepy," he answered slowly. "It's Saturday, let me have some fun."

"Alright," Ophelia replied, shaking her head. "Is Kate there?"

"Yep, my beloved girlfriend, who I love very much is right here."

"Wow, say 'love' one more time and I just might believe you."

"Katie, I love you!" he shouted to someone in the room. "Better?"

"Absolutely. Go have fun. Be safe and call me later," she said before ending the call.

'God, he's so weird,' a thought ran through her head, while she stirred the soup in a pot.

In a few minutes, here phone screen lit up with a new text message from Zoey. 'Hey, you want to grab some coffee later?' Ophelia smiled happily, typing back a quick reply.

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