Carnival Tricks, by Jade Kerrion

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1st Place, Science Fiction, Royal Palm Literary Award 2015

In a world transformed by the Genetic Revolution, Kyle Norwood is an honest-to-God human and proud of it. His deadly skills come from hard work and not genetic sleight of hand. An easy mission to protect two Proficere Labs scientists turns into a shoot-out that leaves a scientist and a federal agent dead. Worse, the research data the scientists were carrying disappears.

In a world where human derivatives are hated and feared, Sofia Rios is almost human. When a fight during her waitressing shift turns fatal, a dying scientist launches her into the shady world of scientific espionage. The unwilling trustee of research that people would kill to obtain, Sofia turns to the man who steps out of the shadows to protect her, even though he appears as dangerous and disreputable as the people who hunt her.

Together, Sofia and Kyle must unravel the truth behind the illicit information she carries before one or both of them are killed. Their mutual attraction sparkles, but the spark could just as easily become an explosion if Kyle ever finds out that Sofia is a despised telekinetic.


Chapter One

The wooden, narrow-eyed door guardian wore a permanent open-mouthed scowl hovering on the verge of a war cry. A garish array of feathers spread over the headpiece perched on his furrowed brow.

Fortunately, no one who stared up at his head, mounted over the door, was terrified of him.

Under the frightful Zulu mask, a bored bouncer routinely checked IDs and waved customers into Zanzi-Bar.

The wine bar and nightclub in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, prided itself on its selection of South African wines, its mismatched name notwithstanding. In the dark interior of the bar, spotlights pulsed, bathing the wooden dance floor in pools of white and red. A Latin tune thumped through the loudspeakers; the compulsive rhythm set hips rocking to the beat. Leggy waitresses meandered around clusters of couches covered with zebra-skin and leopard-skin patterns.

One of the waitresses walked to the bar, which displayed an outstanding array of wines and spirits. Sofia Rios tucked a stray lock of brown hair behind her ear, leaned against the wood façade of the bar, and flashed the bartender, Stefan Agnor, her sweetest smile. "I need a Jameson on the rocks, an Eikendal merlot, a brandy, and a Sprite on the house."

He chuckled as he set a wineglass filled with a pale pink wine on a tray marked with Chelsea's name. "That smile's really cute, but it isn't going to bump you to the head of the line, munchkin."

Sofia rolled her eyes. "For the record, I'll have you know that I'm wearing four-inch heels, which elevates me two inches above munchkin status." She was not going to admit to the blisters on her feet.

"So you're what, five-foot-four now? Color me impressed." Stefan began work on another order. His blond hair, slightly longer than was fashionable, lent new meaning to the words "artistic disarray." He grinned at her. "How are you doing tonight?"

Sofia's rosebud mouth twisted into a wry smile. "Had a microbiology exam this morning."

"You aced it, right?" He turned his back on her and reached for a bottle of Absolut.

Her eyes narrowed as she focused on the ice chips beside the sink. The transparent shards quivered and then leapt, as if flicked by an invisible finger, into the sink. She shrugged. "Won't find out for another week, but I hope so because I hauled ass on that one."

"And such a cute ass it is too." Stefan turned around and leered at her. "When do you get to anatomy? I can help you with the practical exam."

"I bet you can. Tell you what; you rush my order and I'll bump you to the front of the line on my practical."

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