Niall's texts were similar to Gemma's so I responded to him quickly.

To: Niall: Talk to Harry about what happened. I'm out of the country, be back in a few weeks.

Then read Emma's texts, breathing a sigh of relief that the hard ones were over.

From: Emma: Got the car moved. I'll keep an eye on your place, that's no problem.

From: Emma: I know I probably shouldn't ask. But are you alright? It's just this was all so sudden.

To: Emma: THANK YOU! You can use the car while I'm away. She's reliable, shouldn't leave you stranded or anything. It would make me feel better knowing it's being moved about and not just sitting.

To: Emma: No, I am not okay. But I will be. I'm meeting with corporate while I'm here which needed to be done anyway. And thank you for looking after the office too. I know you were the right choice.

I put the phone in the night stand and plugged it to the charger.

Quietly I left the room and went down stairs but stopped when I heard mom and dad talking in the kitchen.

"What do you think happened Richard?" My mother's worried voice was softer than normal and I knew that they thought I was still upstairs.

My dad's exasperated sigh followed, "I'm not sure Joy. I'm sure she'll tell us when she's ready."

Mum puttered around the kitchen, probably finishing up dinner since it was about 5pm here.

My mom questioned my dad, "Do you think something happened with Harry?"

The answering scoff almost made me silently laugh. "Of course it did Joyce. He probably broke her heart again just like he did when he left to join that boy band-" The surprised noise that left my mother made me roll my eyes. Count on dad being the one to notice that.

"What do you mean? Aurora pushed him to do it and she was so supportive when they gained their fame." Mum sounded distracted and I peaked in to see her pulling pizza out of the oven. Yeeesss.

"Of course she was supportive, the boy can sing. Doesn't change the fact that him leaving broke her heart. I don't know how many more broken hearts she will forgive him for Joy," Dad paused and I heard the fridge open. "I know you love him like your own, and so do I, but you might have to side with your daughter on this one."

Thank you daddy. I guess that means that he didn't exactly approve of her keeping in contact with Harry. That didn't bother me, though he better not call while I'm here.

I quickly backed up to the steps and walked louder than I did before, finding the kitchen silent when I walked in.

"Hey mum, hey dad." I gave them a smile that I knew didn't meet my eyes and walked over to the pizza. I inhaled a deep breath, "Mmm, this smells so good. I'm starving." I admitted and mum handed me a plate.

Once we were settled and eating we fell into a comfortable silence with only mindless chitchat breaking it once in a while. For that I was thankful, for almost an hour I didn't have to hear his name or think about him. I also didn't have to keep hearing his stupid new music. That I still loved by the way.

I got to just be me, Aurora Jane. Not Aurora, best friend of Harry Styles or his supposed love interest. It was refreshing and I enjoyed the normalcy of this moment, it really was so much better than fighting off paps just to get in a restaurant or a vehicle.

Then the phone rang as I walked with dad into the living room. We could hear mum loud and clear even though she was doing her version of a whisper. Dad and I stopped behind the couch and I felt his stare but I couldn't meet his eyes. I just started at the blank TV, completely frozen.

"Oh hello darling!"

"Yes, she's here. Just got in this afternoon."

"Oh, you didn't know she was leaving the country either?" That was a very accusing tone mother.

"Probably about two weeks love."

Well fuck me. Now he knows where I am and how long I'll be here. Thanks mum. If I was a spy, I'd have to fake my death because of this woman I swear.

I guess she moved outside for part of the call because dad and I couldn't hear her anymore over the TV. About half an hour after that she came back inside and sat in the lounge chair looking worse for ware.

"You alright Joy?" dad asked and her head snapped towards him, eyes barely touching mine. "Yes, fine." she turned back to the TV then.

Dad looked at me and I shrugged, but it was a lie.

She knew. She knew. Harry told her what happened. Holy shit, I never thought he'd admit it. He obviously didn't tell Gemma or Niall. But he told my mother. What the fúck?

I have no words.

Two Ghosts (H.S.) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now