Chapter 2

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     Rick focused on the moonlight reflecting off the surface of the river, rather than the thick liquid he was washing off his hands and knife. He was still breathing heavy, while blood surged through his veins. Squatting on the river bank, he thought about Amanda, and how terrible he felt leaving her trapped and alone. The fast pace of his heart skipped a little as he worried about losing her. Becoming the monster that he was protecting her from, terrified Rick. Had he gone too far?

      They spoke about trust often. When you're whole wellbeing depending on someone, trust was important. Before the collapse, Amanda and Rick didn't have a fairy tale relationship. The third year of their five year relationship was the worst. For a month they separated, and that was the worst month of his life. It was during that month that he determined her worth. He had said that she was his everything, but those thirty days removed all doubt. His anger was eaten by the depression that her loss left in his life. He was grateful every day, after that month, that she was able to forgive his stupidity.

      Rick always had a fear of commitment, and in that third year he began to act like an asshole. Often he was full of himself and thought, no matter what, he would survive. That meant, if he lost his significant other, he would survive. There wasn't a fear of being alone in his mind. During that month, a broken heart didn't make survival appealing. He didn't want to survive, if it meant he had to do it without her. She brightened his life, and gave everything meaning. The motivation to survive, was her. Taming the beast inside him took time, but Amanda was blessed with patience.

      Thinking about Amanda, Rick let his guard down. While distracted, he allowed for threats to get in too close. Dogs barked, and torches bounced in the darkness behind him. They were close and it wasn't good for him. He grabbed his bag and looked up and down the river for a place to run. From both ends he could see the torches making their way to the river. Rick was blocked in, and panicking. There was only one way to escape, and that was in the river.

      When the stream got up his waist, he fell forward and took cover within the water. He swam out to the middle and was swept up in the current. Paying attention to the passing torch lights, he didn't realize the danger he was getting himself in. Above him, the trees grew thick and the light was blocked out. The rushing river pulled him through the darkness. His happiness from escaping was soon stolen by the fear of his direction. In the distance he could hear rapids.

      When the sound of the rapids grew near, he stopped swimming and stuck his feet out in front of him to protect him from any impact with a large rock. He didn't hit any rocks, but he did slide over one. At the edge of the rock he was met with a drop off. During the fall, he was submerged, and pushed deep in the water. Fighting against the current, Rick struggled to get back to oxygen.

      While swimming back to the surface, something latched on to him. Under the water, he was detained. Something was pulling at his pockets and pants. Forgetting about swimming, Rick brought his hands down to help him break free. During the struggle, he noticed that it was a person that had a hold of him. Under water, he was being robbed of anything this person could get a hold of. In the darkness, Rick's hands were moving wildly. Sense of touch was all that Rick had. One swipe through the water brought Rick's hands in contact with the person's face. His fingers caught on the person's mouthpiece, and he snatched it away. Bringing the mouthpiece to his mouth, Rick filled his lungs with air before it was wrestled away from him.

      A loss of air supply made the person retreat. Rick held onto the mouthpiece as he was pulled down stream. He wasn't able to hold on long before a sharp pain shot up his arm. Something stabbed into his skin, making him release the mouthpiece. Floating under water, he searched for his most important possessions and stopped at the first missing item. His keys were stolen. Without them, Amanda was trapped in the apartment. He didn't hesitate to give chase. Rick wasn't able to catch up with the swimmer, but he was able to grab ahold of their tether. Tightly gripping the tether, he was pulled behind the person as they retreated.

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