Part 16

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"You and Caitlin huh."said Wells. "I have no idea what you are talking about." Barry said questioningly. "You know what I'm talking about, you and" Wells said. "Ok I admit it." Barry said. "I'm happy for you. You deserve happiness." Wells said heartily. "Really! I didn't think you would support us because we work together and all that." Barry said. "Oh I'm fine with that. You can date whoever you want to date. It's your life not mine." Wells stated. "Well thanks for supporting me."said Barry. "Listen Barry, don't break her heart like Ronnie did. It was too much for her to bare." Wells told Barry. "Don't worry I won't." Barry said. They walked back in the cortex to see Caitlin and Cisco waiting for them. Wells walked off to do more labs. "So what was that about?" Caitlin asked. "Oh he just said he was happy for you and me. That's all."  Barry left out the part about Ronnie. "That's great!" Caitlin gave Barry a peck on the lips. "What was that for?" Barry asked blushing. "Do I need an excuse to kiss my boyfriend." Caitlin joked. "No." Barry said smiling as he leaned in to give Caitlin a kiss. He liked the word boyfriend coming from her lips. It made Barry feel tingly inside knowing she was his and he was hers. Out of nowhere Iris walked into STAR Labs.
To be continued...

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