"Good morning Lise, I hope you are ok. You can bring your double bass, I know you need it for uni." A wave of relief came upon me. "Good morning Andrew, I'm good how are you? Thank you so much." "Any time. I'll see you in two minutes." "Vale." "Oh, Spanish like." "You don't know me. Ja" "I'm here."

I walked to the kitchen and looked myself in the mirror one last time. I sighed. "Please don't mess this up Lise..." I like looked down. "Hey." I startled and looked up. "Oh hey you are up." "Yeah, you look beautiful. You'll do amazing, ok?" I sighed. "I hope." "Do you think I'm lying?" "No no it's not that. It's just. Never mind, it's me." She took my face in her hands. "You are beautiful and I know you'll do great." I smiled. "Thanks." I walked out of my house locking the door and leaving inside a spear key for Vianca. I turned around and saw Andrew outside the car with a red and black rose. How did he know I love black and red. I walked toward him smiling. "Hello." "You look beautiful." He said admiring me. He gave me the flowers. "I figured you like dark colours. I smiled "Thanks" I said looking down. "Come." He handed his hand out and I took it. He helped me in the car and off the road we went. "So how did you sleep?" "Ok. You?" "I slept good, just a bit of headache. By the way how's your head?" "My head was hurting when I woke up, but I took some pills." "Oh ok ok." I looked out the window and admired London. It was so pretty. I love living here. "We are here." I looked at him and nodded. We walked towards the door but he lightly pulled me around. I stumbled a bit. "Yes?" I asked. "Are you ok?" He said looking for my eyes. I looked away, I made a crumpling face because of the sun and nodded. "I'm fine." "I don't believe you." "I like your accent." I said in a sarcastic tone changing the subject. "Don't change the subject." "I'm fine... really." I turned around and walked towards the door. I opened and he held it. "Thanks. Waoh this is beautiful." "This place is really good." He said looking around. "Let's find out." "We shall." He said smiling. We took out seats and the waiter came. I soon asked for coffee and he did too. "So where are you from? I see you don't have the accent that you love aye." "Ja very funny. I'm from Puerto Rico. Caribbean Sea." "Waoh, really?" "Yup." "So you do talk Spanish." "Si hablo español, tu no?" "I don't talk Spanish." "Oh come on! Try!" "Hola, mi nombre es Andrew." "That's good! Jajajaja" "why thank you fine lady." "Pfff jajajaj, and you are from here right?" "Right." "Do you like your home town?" "I do, I love it." I nodded and smiled. "You have to get to your uni around what time?" "12:30 is my first class. The teacher laughs his ass out every time he sees me I don't even know why, stupid." "Oh you got some accent in there!" He said happily. "Pfff I dont." "Yess yes you do! It's great. I think you are getting it from here." "Oh don't you say." "Ja, you are funny." He said chuckling. Our food came and our coffee's too. Silence fell upon us and I started feeling uncomfortable. "Listen... I- i need to know if you are really ok..." He said clearly concerned. I looked away... again. I can't look in people's eyes, it's impossible for me. "I'm fine. Why can't you believe me? Knock it off." There were minutes of silence. "You are right, I'm sorry." I sighed. Shit, I mess everything up. Why? Whenever I meet someone they just leave, because 'I'm mean' because 'I'm too serious.' Why did I even came? A lump took form I my throat. "I like been with you." I looked up and swallowed. "Me too." I smiled. "I'm going to use the bathroom." I stood up and walked towards the bathroom. Tears welling up in my eyes for no reason or every reason. I just needed to cry and be alone.
I needed to run, that's what I always do after all. As weird and it may look I found a balcony. I walked out and rested my hands on the balcony railing and sighed. Tears streamed down my face as my body shook. I don't understand myself. I can't do this I- "Lise.." I heard a male voice call out. I quickly looked up and fixed my look toward the view, 'please don't be red please don't be red, please' I said in my head I quickly cleaned my tears and turned around. "Isn't this pretty?" I said smiling. He moved his head no and looked down. He looked back up and out eyes locked. Three seconds passed and it was enough, I looked away and turned around. "It is." He said. "I love London." I said admiring the view. Trying to push my feelings and thoughts aside as I always do. "I wanted to live in America once." "You are crazy, America is great I can't lie, but it's madness at the same time." "You do have an accent. I like it." I chuckled and ignored his comment. "You see that medium heigh building?" He said pointing out the building. "The one with blue?" "Yes, that where I work." "That's gre-" in stopped when I realised how close he was. I stayed looking forward but moved my head to look at his face. He was quite taller than me. He looked at me and I looked down. "Look at me." He demanded. "Why would I do that?" When I still felt his eyes on me. I looked up. Our faces were Inches apart.
Something saved me. Music filled my ears and my expression softened. He continued looking at me. His look burned through me. I felt... rare. "Can we dance?" He said offering a hand. I took it and he slowly spun me around and pulled me closer. Once again I felt his eyes on me. "What?" I looked up. "Your eyes." "They are just brown eyes. Nothing special." "Your eyes are beautiful." I crackled and moved my head no. "Thanks." I said still slightly laughing. I smiled and caressed my cheek. I completely panicked. "We should go." I said. "Yeah of course." He said nodding. I feel sorry. I don't mean to make him feel this way I just can't do this. He payed the bill and we walked to the car. We talked on our way to uni. We got there half an hour before my class starts. I got out and took out my double bass. "I had fun..." I said smiling. "Me too. Have a nice class." "Thanks, I need it." He smiled and I smiled. "Good bye Lissy." "Good bye Andrew." He left and I walked to class.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter! I hope you don't hate it jeje! Enjoy loves! Xxx

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