The Interview

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*Bunnymund's POV*
Surprised isn't enough to convey what I feel at the moment. Jack held out his hand and she took it. Easy peasy to understand, right? But their hands started glowing and not to mention the tiny snowflakes and stars that appeared around their hands. Care to explain that? What in the blazing moons is going on here? And to top it off, she flew, yes, flew as in fly fly away , and headed behind me, hiding from the others and probably, most likely, from Jack. I looked at her as she look up at me. I blurted out the question in my head.
"Did you just flew, mate?"
I stared at her as she slowly nodded. A human can't do that, unless of course, she's no human. I held her hand between my paws. She was obviously surprised by that and tried to take her hand away but I held it tighter. I pulled her closer and started sniffing her. Don't get weirded out by this, mate, but I just have to know if she is human. Then there it is. The scent unmistakable to this bunny nose of mine.
The scent that all guardians harbor after taking the oath, the scent of the crystal from the North Pole. The scent of the crystal that chooses the next Guardian.
I let her hand go as my eyes stared at her hair. She's wearing the flower crown, the same one that I stared at a year ago on the crystal. I watch it as I saw one of the pink flowers turn light green. The color of slight fear in any known magic book. She's not human. I'm now completely sure of it. I turned to others and gestured for a huddle.
North was the first to speak. "What is it? Did you find anything out?" "She's no human, mate, I can assure you that."
"And did you see how she just flew away in an instant? She was just like Sandy, Jack and me combined." Tooth said. I turned to her.
"How exactly does that add up? " Jack answered. "And why did you sniff her, Kangaroo? You like her or something?" He continued, a slight hint of venom on his last sentence. I shook my head in disappointment at him.
"Real stupid, mate. I'm the bunny here, I have better sense of smell than any of you combined. And I needed to know if she has the scent of it."
North stared at me. "The scent of what? " "The scent we all share in a way." I answered. Jack sniffed himself. "I don't smell anything." That gained a hit in the head from North.
"I meant the scent of the crystal. The scent of when spirits have accepted the duty of being Guardian. The scent we all share ever since we became Guardian." I explained. We all finished our huddle and looked at Cathie who is standing next to Jaime while carrying a sleeping Sophie. Sandy flew to her and made a cloud bed where she put Sophie down gently.
I looked at North, gesturing for him to talk to her, as knowing that the Guardian of Wonder might be able to squeeze some info out of Cathie.
"Cathalea." North said.
"You can call me Cathie. That's how Jaime and the others call me." She flashed a smile to him. Haha. Cute. North nodded and gestured to the sleigh. "May we take a seat there? I just wanna talk. No worries, the others will bring Jamie and little Sophie home now to make sure they don't get scolded for being gone from home." We took that as our cue to leave them be. I hopped next Jaime as Tooth carefully push Sophie's bed cloud to the direction of their house. Jack and Sandy flew or hover beside me.

*North's POV*
I helped Cathie up to the sleigh. As she sat down, I can't help but notice her slight frown.
"Oh, don't you worry. The kids are with Tooth, after all. They'll be fine." I assured her. She smiled and nodded her head. She then looked at me, asking me the question that even I can't answer.
"Why can I see you guys? " I stared at her. Why can she see us? Why is a teen, a child no more, can see us? Not to mention how can she fly and how can she make those stars appear. But the next statement shocked me the most.
"How can I see you when I don't even believe in you guys? " At that moment, I was taken back. I tried to change the topic for now.
"Yes, yes, well.. you can. We don't know why but we will know soon. Anyways," I cleared my throat. "When did you begin to have your powers? "
"Ever since I was young. I've always done the flying around in private and nobody knows about it. Not Jamie, not Dad, not even old Jacqueline down the street and she's a great gossip girl." I nodded my head. "Just flying? "
"Yep." She answered, popping the 'p' sound. "I never made the stars and stuff. I just knew about that a while ago."
We talked for about an hour or two, the sun setting on the horizon beyond the trees already. I learned as much as I could about her but her story seems as human as it could possibly could. It just doesn't add up to any of her powers or explain why Manny chose her. I ended the impromptu interview with a sigh and a smile, promising to come back after Christmas to talk to her again.
Just tell me, Manny, who exactly is Cathie?

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