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I'm working on 5 new books😉 ALSO! I made a schedule for when I update which books! Monday is MagCon Adopted Twin WereWolves, Tuesday none, Wednesday is Cameron Dallas' Runaway Sister, Thursday none, Friday MATW(MagCon Adopted Twin WereWolves), Sa...

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I'm working on 5 new books😉 ALSO! I made a schedule for when I update which books! Monday is MagCon Adopted Twin WereWolves, Tuesday none, Wednesday is Cameron Dallas' Runaway Sister, Thursday none, Friday MATW(MagCon Adopted Twin WereWolves), Saturday and Sunday off. As for Instagram, it doesn't take long to write a chapter for Instagram so I'll update either everyday or every other day. And when the sequel for 'The GroupChat' come out I'll make it will be maybe Sunday idk. THIS WILL BE STARTING MONDAY THE 12TH!

Bye babes -tAyLoR(because I'm sHoOk)👏

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