10-Tay You Have A...

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*After Tour*
*Justin's POV*

Today is the day I tell Taylor...Let's just hope she takes it well...I hated to keep this from her but...Mom couldn't handle it anymore. I hope she doesn't hate me, mom, or dad.


Me and Blake aren't on good terms at all right now. Dylan ended up staying with us the rest of the tour. He stayed in me and Blake's room. Blake accused me of cheating on him with Dylan. Blake really should know better. Me and Dylan have been best friends since like forever! But...I see Dylan as a brother now...Not a crush...Ya know? I'm gonna text Blake.

Tay: Hey, Blake. I think we should talk.
Blake: What about?
Tay: Us...
Blake: What about us? Tay, Babe, stop scaring me.
Tay: Blake that's the thing. I don't think we should be together anymore. We aren't happy anymore.
Blake: Please Tay! I'll change. Please...?
Tay: I'm sorry Blake but...This isn't gonna work anymore. Our relationship needs trust...We don't have trust...You don't trust me with Dylan when I only see him as a brother.
Blake: I love you though...
Tay: I love you too Blake...Goodbye...

I stopped texting Blake. I can't do this anymore. I feel like me and Blake weren't meant to last. I went downstairs to the kitchen and got some Frosted Flakes and ate them. Justin came into the kitchen with a nervous look on his face. I wonder what's up with him?

"Uh...Tay...How do I say this..?" He says thinking. "Justin just tell me. I've already had a bad morning. Me and Blake broke up." I told him sadly. "Tay You Have A...Twin." Justin said slowly. I stood there frozen. "What is their name?" I ask. "Matthew...Morris..." He says. "Why didn't I know?" I ask angrily. "Mom didn't want you to be mad." He says tearing up. "THAT IS NO FUCKING REASON TO KEEP THIS BIG OF A SECRET FROM ME JUSTIN!!!" I yelled at him. He flinched. He knows better than to make me angry. He also knows that I only curse when I'm extremely mad. "Tay I'm-" I cut him off. "NO JUSTIN! DON'T TALK TO ME! I'm leaving." I yelled walking off to my room to pack. He ran after me. "You can't leave Tay. I have custody of you! Mom and Dad will kill me." He says slowly. "THEY FUCKING GAVE MY TWIN UP FOR ADOPTION BUT IF I TRY TO LEAVE THEY WILL KILL YOU?!" I ask mad as hell now. He nodded. "Whatever. I'm leaving Justin. I. Don't. Fucking. Care. Anymore." I say walking over to pack my stuff.

*On the plane*


Tay: Goodbye.
Blake: What do you mean...Goodbye?
Loren: ^
Mark: ^^
Tay: I mean, I just found out I had a twin named Matthew Morris and Justin, Mom, And Dad didn't tell me that they put him up for adoption. I mean Goodbye. I'm leaving. Hopefully for good.
Mark: No....Tay...

Tay has left the groupchat

Didn't expect that did ya?
-Taylor Teasley

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