He knew full well that I was hiding something.

I swallowed hard, trying to hide my sudden panic and blink away the tears that hadnt fallen yet.

I had to come up with something and I needed to do it fast.

He suddenly grabbed my wrist, causing me to yelp as he pulled me forward a bit.

My stomach knotted when he saw the blood on my hand.

He just stared at it for a second before he looked at me.

He didn't say anything.

And that fact somehow made me feel worse about this.

I shifted my eyes away once I felt his tongue against my hand.

His grip tightened on my wrist.

"This is your blood, Khloe! What happened?" I could tell that he was beginning to get mad.

Of course he would be, I just lied to him.

I chewed the inside on my lip, knowing full well that there was no way I was going to be able to get out of this without being punished.

"I-I fell," I muttered quietly.

Master's eyes fixed into an annoyed glare as he let go of my wrist.

"Oh, yeah? On what? What the hell was in that hallway that you could have cut yourself on enough to make you bleed?" he hissed.

"I-I um..." I stuttered.

I literally couldn't think of anything to say to him. He was already mad and I really didn't want to make it worse.

I found myself leaning back as he predatorily leaned towards me.

"I-It was nothing." was all I managed to say.

His eyes narrowed even more at my words.

"I bet it was, Khloe." his voice was low.

I glanced down worriedly at my side as he placed his hand on the bed near my hip.

Only then did I realize that in the process of leaning back, my shirt lifted up enough to spot some of the blood.

Master paused once he followed my gaze.

On instinct, I quickly went to pull down my shirt, only to have him grab my wrist once more.

Part of the anger in his eyes was gone, replaced with concern.

Both of us froze as soon as he lifted my shirt enough to see the fang marks.

His eyes widened as his pupils turned to slits, the way all vampire's did when they were beyond mad.

"Who the hell did this?"

I was too frozen in fear to speak.

What could I even say?! The truth would get me killed and lying again was starting to seem like the same fate.

I jumped as he met eyes with me, impatiently waiting for an answer.

"I-I don't know," I spoke.

I refused to let the new stream of tears that were threatening to fall appear. The last thing I needed was for him to get mad at me for crying too.

"Khloe." He spoke my name like it was a warning.

"I really don't!" I said, "It was just some random vampire that attacked me in the hallway!"

He didn't believe me.

I wouldn't have believed me either.

He released my shirt and returned his full attention to me.

"I would have seen you if they attacked you in the hallway." he was clearly annoyed.


I feel like his voice wasn't fully showing how mad he was.

A gasp ripped from my throat when he hooked a finger around the front of my collar, pulling me close enough that his face was right by my ear.

"I'm going to ask you again Khloe. Who did this?" He spoke as if he was challenging me to say 'I don't know' again, "If you want to lie to me again, go ahead, but I can't promise that nothing will happen to you if you do."

I didn't say anything.

I couldn't say anything without getting hurt in one way or the other.

So instead, I just stayed silent, letting the fear of what Master was going to do to me sink in.

"No response, huh?" he asked.

Still, I stayed silent.

Master let out a very dissatisfied sighed.

"What a shame. I really didn't think that I'd have to do this to you for a while, but," Within a split second, I was standing on the edge of the bed, only being held up by one of his arms around my back. Master's other hand gripped my hair as his teeth scraped the column of my neck," I don't need a pet that doesn't obey the simple rule of answering a question once it's been asked."

I froze as I felt his breaths against my neck.

No... Not again!

I could feel my breaths begin to speed up. I didn't want to die because of this!

"Nico... please..." I begged through a whimper.

"I'll stop once you tell me what I want to know." He said.

It wasn't worth it.

Either way, I was going to die, so it didn't really matter at this point.

I'd much rather die to my own Master than Xander.

That thought involuntarily changed the second I felt the sting of his fangs against my neck.

The words left my mouth before I had a chance to stop them.

"Xander! It was Xander!"

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