Scarlett's Compassion

Depuis le début

"I know."

"Timing wasn't your specialty." She teased.

"Tell me about it.." I sighed looking at Avari again.

"I've got her again, don't worry about us. Tonight we have Brave to watch, I have a feeling all the Disney films will be on in my house until further notice."

I smiled "Thank you mom."

"You're welcome. Now try and get some rest.."

I skipped back into the room quietly after ducking and diving to avoid the nurses station

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I skipped back into the room quietly after ducking and diving to avoid the nurses station. Looking over at the bed, I found Lettie asleep, her hand hanging off the bed from where I once was sat.

It was only when I tilted my head, I realised I had left my hoody, which was now pushed under her head as a pillow. A pillow which she had her nose buried in.

"You aggravating, stubborn mule." I tutted lifting her hand up and placing it on her lap.

Looking at her charts, I saw that the morphine had been topped up meaning she would be out for a while. Lifting her head gently, I removed my hoody and tossed it onto the chair.

"You know, life would be so much easier if we just admitted how we felt." I mumbled. "But then where's the fun in that?"

Kicking off my shoes, I took down the side bar and climbed onto the bed beside her before pulling it back up so I didn't roll off in the night.

"Third night of a lumpy hospital bed and you having no idea that I'm here.."
I sighed leaning over to kiss her forehead gently. "Good night Lettie."

My forehead creased as music wandered through the air, stirring from my sleep, the noise became clearer as it sounded familiar

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My forehead creased as music wandered through the air, stirring from my sleep, the noise became clearer as it sounded familiar.

It was only when I woke up to find myself clinging onto Scarlett that I realised the voice was mine.

"What?" I asked tiredly.

Whispers of the NightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant