"Yes! Yes you are!" He fired up, pulling his hand from mine. "You don't think I know how love feels cause what? I don't commit? Because I can't settle down?!"

I took a small breath lifting my hands "J-just calm down."

"No! No I won't!"

"You'll get kicked out! Please!" I stressed.

"Just because I couldn't put what I felt into actions, doesn't mean I didn't feel them! I tried to show you! I tried and you were too caught up on Nick to realise!"

I frowned open mouthed "What?"

"Jesus fucking Christ Scarlett." He moaned rubbing a hand over his face. "You think it was Nick that sent you flowers once a week?"

My mind went back those years and suddenly I was sat in the office signing for flowers..

"Y-you?" I asked. "B-but Nick?"

"Of course he took fucking credit! Look what he did! He warned me off you, you know?! He knew from day one! You honestly thought the channel would pay for you to go to Jamaica? I paid for you! Because I didn't want to spend two weeks without you!"

"Zak.." I whispered seeing him getting upset.

"My biggest, oh Christ my biggest hint was the tulip fields. I tried to show you but you were enthralled by a man who was never yours!"

"The car had a flat t-"

"No it didn't! Aaron covered for me because I asked him to dammit! And every time, every time you would come to me with a tear stained face and I would wipe them away promising to make things better.." He finished shaking his head.

"But you found Holly, yo-"

"I found Holly because I was sick of it! I found Holly like you found Devin." He spat.

"Me and Devin were-"

"Were fuck buddies. Yeah, I know. He explained. Two fucked up people in the right place. Yeah?"

I nodded.

He came over fast making me look up at him to see the tear on his lash line. "My gran begged me to tell you how I felt. And I promised her I would. One day... I have just spent two days thinking you might not wake back up. But you have and I needed to tell you."

I shook my head in disbelief "You had Holly, if you want me you would have found m-"

"HOW?!" He yelled.

A nurse flew into the room looking at us "Excuse me sir, I need you to leave. Now."

"N-no. Please, please I need him her-"

"I'm sorry ma'am but we've been having complaints, perhaps it's best if your friend left and returned tomorrow when things have calmed down." She interrupted.


"It's fine! I'll go." Zak sighed standing up straight.

"No, no! We are not finished here!" I fought trying to sit up.


"I want to discharge myself!" I declared.

"What?" He asked.

"If you go, I go too! I'm leaving! Get me my clothes, I'm going home. I want to discharge myself, refusing means false imprisonment and I won't waste no time in phoning the police!"

"Lettie, Lettie!" Zak shouted getting my attention.  "Stay here. For Avari's sake. Please..."

"Don't you dar-"

"Stay. For her." He replied walking out the room leaving me alone with the nurse who began checking my IV drip.

"It's okay! I'm okay!" I snapped before I burst into tears.

I hid behind my hands sobbing as a warm hand placed itself on my arm. Removing my hands I looked at the nurse who held out a small white tissue.

"It's clean.."

I took it and fiddled with it letting the tears roll.

"The course of true love was never easy. But when you find the one worth the pain? That's when you know it's meant to be." She spoke softly before leaving me alone with my thoughts.

" She spoke softly before leaving me alone with my thoughts

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