Im Sorry Nico

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"Nico come here for a
second!" Mark called from his office. I placed the note and marks phone on the seat next to me, making my way to marks office.

Im sorry, please forgive me. I'm sorry Nico.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking into the small recording space.
"Say hello to the fans on the live stream" Mark responded, I walked over to where mark sat.
I looked at the camera quickly, "Um -hey guys" I slightly waved. "So yeah guys this is my son Nico" Mark spoke to the camera, gesturing to me. Mark turned his head to one of his screens -reading the chat-, "I thought you said you were getting a daughter named Nicole." He read one of the comments quietly. "Well this is my son, Nico" he spoke at the camera, turning his attention to the chat, "Well if you have a problem you can leave!" He shouted slightly, before cracking up. I left, I wasn't upset or anything, I just wanted to be alone. "Nico!"

I headed back to the couch, the note sat perfectly laid where I left it. The note seemed to taunt me, all the notes are taunting me. This thing like to watch me suffer, I'm done. No No No No. It shouldn't be this way! It's not going right! Nothing will ever be right...
I grabbed the note from the couch in a blinded rage, shredding the paper into small pieces "Fuck You! Fuck You! Go Fucking Die You Psychopath!". The atmosphere hung dry, ear splitting white noise of silence seemed as the only thing in the world. A rush of adrenaline left me in hazy vision, numb finger tips and a heartache feeling throughout my body. Marks abrupt footsteps came into the distance, a wave of adrenaline took over again as I ran out of the apartment.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you in this mess. Please don't blame me. I don't want to live in fear anymore.

Small drizzles of rain cooled my skin, thick clouds swirled in the sky darkening the atmosphere. I sprinted off, I just want to be alone in the rain. The video I watched earlier occupied most of my thoughts; was it real, or just another youtubers prank. David Brown, who? A killer? maybe. If he was, or is a killer, what's his motive? I lightly tapped my fingers against the material of my jeans, felling Marks phone still in my pocket. Quickly pulling the phone out of my pocket, I opened up the YouTube app. Lightly tapping on the search icon, I quickly typed in Oliver King. His channel popped up, a new video loaded onto the recently uploaded tab. A video with no thumbnail, titled 'The 13 letters of death'. Is this youtuber just really fucked up and always posts videos like this? I turned the video on, continuing as my feet carried me away. 
• • • • • • •
The silver apartment door stood tall, possibilities of Marks reaction was endless. I knocked lightly on the door. Don't be mad, don't be mad, please don't be mad. Ethan stood on the other side of the open door, Mark slightly in view behind him. "Nico?" "I'm sorry"

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Sorry for not posting in so long, I'll try to keep up with a schedule

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