12 am On A Sterling Moon

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Nico ♌️⬆️
This book is inspired by Maddie890 's Raised by Markiplier and friends

The school bell rang to life, students shoving and pushing in order to get out of the class. I quickly made my way, weaving through the crowded halls. Making my way to my next class.

I shuffled outside the locker room. Looking into the brightly lit room, it burned, lights scratching at my eyes. The day is almost over, it's almost the end of the day, just get threw this class. The girls locker room. I hated it. Although I identified as a male, the school refused to let me take the boys Physical Ed class. I quickly scurried in, head hanging low. Going to my locker to get dressed, a force quickly jumped in my neck, "Nico! It been forever since I last saw you!" Rebecca squealed. A short girl; frizzy dirty blonde locks cut shoulder length; grey-blue doe eyes; and a spark that always lit up her eyes. I chuckled at her remark, her personality could always light up my day. "I got a call from you social worker, she's taking you to your forever home, good luck for the long run", Ms.White -My P.E. teacher- informed, smiling sadly. "Your leaving me here!? Take me with you, I can't have you leave!" Rebecca rushed, embracing me tightly. "A gift from me to you",Rebecca spoke. She pulled out an envelope, handing it to me. "Don't open it till you get to your forever home", she smiled softly. She handed me my book bag, waving as I left.

Ms. Jennifer, my social worker. She was a tall woman, a grin on her face that complemented her messy black hair. I rarely saw her unless I was going to a new foster home. I entered the office to be met by Ms. Jennifer. "You wanted to see me Ms. Jennifer", I asked.  "Nico, I have great news. A nice man has decided to let you in to his home as your forever home", Ms. Jennifer said. The fact hit me, i'll finally have a real home like normal kids. Tears trickled down my face, the whole situation felt so unreal. "Im just so happy", I said wiping my tears.  She smiled, "Well, let's hurry we don't want to miss your flight", Jennifer warned guiding me to her car.  "My flight?", I asked puzzled. "You will be going to LA", She informed.

Jennifer's car arrived at an aborting stop, cars clock dinged as 7pm died. 8pm, my last 8pm in Seattle. It's crazy to think. "Here, let's get you checked in", Ms.Jennifer spoke, handing me my black and red suitcases.

Ms. Jennifer got one of my bag checked -It had to go under the plane because it was to heavy-, she tied two ribbons on it, a white and a yellow one. Jennifer dropped me of at security, hugging me before leaving forever. After going through security and all, I was lead to my gate by a flight attendant, a woman with pale blond hair cut into a pixie cut. Once I got to my gate, scanning  the crowd. An empty seat was nowhere to be found I walked up to the big window panel out viewing all the planes. I sat on the floor next to the window, staring out into the vast land, a dark night sky leaving tiny rain drops on the glass. "Looks like we are having some weather issues, a small delay may be issued, sorry for the inconvenience" the intercom sparked, a simultaneous sea of groans from the passengers waiting to board.

11:13 pm, why can't I just be at L.A. already. "We will now begin boarding, anyone flying with children under 6 or children flying alone may begin boarding", the intercom spoke, families getting up, I stood up walking to get my ticket scanned. The tunnel connecting the plane to the building was unstable, making creaking noises as my red and black luggage trotted down the tunnel.

12: 14am. One of the flight attendants let me have a whole row of seats to myself -because the flight was under booked-.  I sat next to the window, the moon shimmering sterling. 12am On A Sterling moon. I reached in my pocket, grabbing out the envelope. I carefully tested the sealed top. Three ideas sat in the white envelope; a photo of me and Rebecca, a red tinted crystal, and a short note. I opened up the note, the small paper had the following written in a different handwriting that Rebecca's normal writing: 'I'll be seeing you for your appointment real soon

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