Chapter 111: Talk of Departure

Start from the beginning

"Your aunt," he eventually rasped. "She has imprinted on the one you call Sinmir. She has been bound to him, forever, but even though he is willing to take her as his true mate, such a thing cannot be condoned without proper preparation. We must depart so Zelphira can begin her work on changing a few of our laws without her emotions and instincts interfering."

Xaphile's jaw dropped and his eyes bugged out of his head.

He literally could not believe what he'd just heard.

"Whoa," he spluttered, lifting his clawed hands. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold up! Are you saying that my aunt is going to be marrying Sinmir?! Seriously?!"

"Not right away," Vordt sourly retorted, sullenly staring at the water, "but yes. That is the idea."

Xaphile put a hand to his forehead, dizzy with the implications running through him.

"He's gonna be family?" he wondered aloud. "Dude... I was satisfied with the best friends for life thing, but I didn't think he'd actually marry my aunt! Although..."

He paused, blinking as he thought about it.

Perhaps Sinmir was acting so friendly because he had fallen in love with Zelphira without telling anyone. It would have explained his loving behavior. Then again, that also raised a bunch of new questions, and frankly, there was also the gap of when he'd actually met her to consider.

Unless, on the night of the celebrations, he'd...

Xaphile shook his head free of that thought, ears dragging down low in mortification.

He wouldn't go there.

"Well, it's a surprise, that much is true," Xaphile eventually sighed, "but I guess, in the end, as long as they make each other happy... I'm okay with it. Sinmir's a good guy."

"It will take a very long time to convince our clan of that," Vordt grunted, eyeing him. "The Oracles are bound to notice something is amiss with my sister if he stays near her. Before we leave, he must reassure her that he will come back no matter what and her heart will calm."

"We're really leaving day after tomorrow?" Xaphile asked, lowering his eyes. "So soon?"

"Do you not wish to go?"

Xaphile thought about it, then shook his head.

"No, I do," he sighed. "I want to find my brother, but..."


When Vordt raised an eyebrow, he leaned back and let loose a deep sigh.

"But it's been a long time," he said softly, staring up at the distant canopies, "that I've felt... this safe, you know? This place sort of feels like home, somehow."

"Then, you no longer wish to leave?"

"Well..." Xaphile stuttered, breathing coming a little faster. "I-it's just that I arrived only a few weeks ago, and... and I don't want to go yet. I've barely seen anything here. And I... I..."

"It is all right!" Vordt snorted, holding up a hand. "It is all right. We will return once we have found your little brother. I can assure you, you needn't worry."

Xaphile nodded, rubbing his arms.

A long minute passed.

"So, does this mean that you are going to give up on finding the soul of your fallen love?"

Xaphile lowered his eyes as a slow ache washed over him and he touched the locket Ella Richardson had given him so long ago.

Vordt watched when he flicked it open and gazed at the photos within.

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