Chapter 25

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Jack's POV

Snowballs were flying as I had a snowball fight with Elsa and Emma. I shot Emma a look to say, "attack Elsa!" She smiled and nodded in agreement. We teamed up against Elsa and attacked her with snowballs. Elsa seemed surprised but laughed and threw snowballs back at us. It was funny watching throw snowballs in every direction.

Emma and I stopped throwing snow while Elsa continued. She hadn't even realized that we stopped because her eyes were shut and she was laughing. Snowballs were flying. They started changing into ice shards mid-air.

I realized what was happening and panicked, "Emma! Get to cover!!" I shouted to my little sister. She didn't hear me...she was too busy laughing and having fun. I started running to her, screaming her name. She finally hear me. She turned to look at me and she got hit with one of Elsa'a ice shards. Elsa still isn't aware of whats going on around her. I had to protect Emma from getting hit again. Before i could get to her, she got hit two more times. She fell to the ground, which made me run faster.

Elsa was still hauling snowballs around...I had to stop her. "Elsa! Stop!" I shouted. She didn't hear me!

"ELSA! STOP!!" I screamed as loud as I could. suddenly, everything stopped. Elsa turned around and gasped when she saw Emma.

"Jack, I-I'm so sorry..." Elsa said, breathlessly. Her eyes flooded with tears as she started backing away, stumbling every other step.

"Elsa, where are you going?" I asked, concerned.

She was now sobbing, "I'm sorry." She turned around and sprinted off. I stood up to follow her, but Emma has woken up.

"Jack?" Emma croaked. I went back to my sister who was trying to get up. She tried using her arms to support herself, but she fell once she put pressure on her left hand. "Ow!!" Emma cried. "Jack, what happened?" She asked holding her arm to her chest.

"You got hit a little too hard and fell. You must've landed on her arm..." I explained, "c'mon, lets get you inside." I picked Emma up and took her into the house. When we got inside I put her down and she went to the couch.

"Oh my gosh, Emma! Are you okay? What happened?!" My mom asked, running to Emma.

"She fell and landed on her arm, have a doctor look at it. I think it may be sprained," I told my mom. " I have to go, I'll be back soon."

"Where are you going? Where's Elsa?" My mom asked..worried.

"Her sister needed her back in Arendelle, She apologizes for leaving so soon," I lied.

My mom embraced me in a hug, "Tell her she's welcome to visit anytime, I enjoyed having her over. I love you, son."

"I love you too, mom"

My mother walked me to the door and we said our goodbyes, I told her I would be back within the next week to check-in on Emma. I left to find Elsa. She couldn't have gotten far.

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