Chapter 23 (short filler chapter)

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Kristoff's POV

"Anna, you're going to have a baby," Grand Pabbie said. Anna's eyes widened, as did mine.

We're going to have a baby? I didn't think I'd ever have a child of my own. I don't know whether to be excited to scared.

Anna's expression seemed to change, she looks excited about the news. "Kristoff, we gotta go home and tell Elsa!!" She tugged at my sleeve. We said our goodbyes to my family, rounded up Olaf and Sven, then took off to Arendelle.

The whole ride home, I couldn't stop thinking about having a baby around. Apparently, neither could Anna...

"I wonder if it's going to be a boy or a girl! We should've asked, unless it's too early to tell. We should start thinking of names. We're going to need a crib, diapers, clothes...Kristoff, are you okay?"

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Are you sure? You look sick..."

"I'm okay, I promise," I assured her and kissed her nose. She smiled and we rode back to Arendelle in silence.


Anna's POV

The ride back home was awkwardly quiet after I mentioned the baby. Kristoff acted a little weird about it. It made me wonder if he was ready to have a child... if we're ready.

I debated on whether I should tell Elsa right away, or if I should wait a little while.

I was going to tell her when we got home, but she wasn't there. She was going to Burgess to meet Jack's mother and sister.

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